Enabling and Using Waitlist

Enabling and Using Waitlist

Enabling Waitlist

To enable waitlist go to ☰ > Manager > Enable Waitlist. This setting is iPad specific and only works in Table Layout rooms. Once enabled you will see the list populate on the right of your table layout rooms. This is a single shared list between the rooms.

Using Waitlist

To add a new group tap New Guest and enter the appropriate information. This will now display on your list with all their information. To send the party an SMS that their table is ready tap the name and hit Send Text Message. 

Here are the two messages your client will receive:

When the party is ready to be seated simply long press on their party in the list and drag it to their table. The name and information will transfer directly to the table. If you have not yet sent a table ready notification at this time you will be asked if you would like to.