
This article describes how to configure a Heartland Restaurant network to use the PAX S300 device to process payments. The S300 terminal is a multilane transaction processing and mobile smart terminal. This service is only supported by Heartland Payment processing.

To function properly, the device must be loaded with a Special PAXStore template for Heartland Restaurant.

We recommend you make any adjustments to the device at the PAXStore level to ensure that, if the device’s firmware is ever updated or changed, those updates will include the site-specific settings. If you do not set them at the PAXStore level, your settings will be overwritten by any downloads.


  • You must add an S300 SKU to an opportunity in Salesforce.
  • The merchant account must have a Heartland Processing MID in Salesforce to complete the order.
  • The merchant must be processing with Heartland Payments Systems.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the PAX S300 device, please email them to paxsupport@e-hps.com, or call 1.888.909.8498.

Minimum Requirements

  • PAX S300 device(s)
  • Configured BroadPOS account
  • 1x RJ-45 Ethernet cable per PAX device
  • Network router or switch with available port(s)
  • Heartland Restaurant version 5.75 or higher
  • Heartland Restaurant PAX-enabled license
  • Wired Internet connection

Configuring the PAX S300 PINpad Device

You can purchase the PAX S300 PINpad devices directly from Heartland. Heartland preprograms newly purchased PAX S300 devices for specific customers; so you must contact Heartland if you need any of these preprogrammed settings changed.


To function properly, the PAX S300 PINpad device requires an Ethernet connection to the site’s network. The device requires no drivers to communicate with its POS workstation. The device also requires access to the Internet to verify and post transactions. The device does not feature a printer; receipts and authorization slips will print on the POS printer.

Set a Static IP Address on a PAX S300 Device

After connecting a new PAX S300 PINpad device to a POS workstation, you should set the device with a unique static IP address. 

  1. In the PAX S300 device, press Menu (or Func and the “1” key at the same time).
  2. Enter the password for the device. The default password on new devices is 916860. 
  3. On the screen, tapmceclip2.pngonce.
  4. Select Communication.
  5. Enter the password for the device.
  6. Tapmceclip4.pngtwice.
  7. Select LAN Parameters.
  8. Select IP Address.
  9. Enter a unique IP address.
  10. Press the Green/Enter key to save the IP address.
  11. Select LAN Type.
  12. Select Static to set the new IP address as the device’s static IP address.

Configuring Heartland Restaurant

The following procedures describe how to configure Heartland Restaurant to use the PAX S300 device.

Creating a Payment Terminal

  1. Log into the Admin Console.
  2. In the Main Menu, click Account, then click the appropriate account.
  3. In the Main Menu, click Location, then click the appropriate location.
  4. In the Main Menu, click Location Setup, then click Payment Terminals.
  5. In the Payment Terminals screen, click the NEW button to add a payment terminal.
  6. In the Name box, type a descriptive name for the device.
  7. In the IP Address box, type the IP address of the PAX S300 device.
  8. If necessary, select the Prompt for Tip check box.
    If you select this check box, the terminal will prompt the customer to select a tip amount when it processes a credit card transaction.
  9. Clickmceclip9.pngto save the record.
  10. Clickmceclip10.pngto publish changes, then click Yes at the prompt.

Connecting the POS to a PAX S300 Payment Terminal

These settings describe how to connect a PAX S300 device to a Heartland Restaurant POS workstation.

  1. Open and log into the Heartland Restaurant POS.
  2. Tap User Menu.
  3. Tap Manager.
  4. Tap Payment Terminals.
  5. Select PAX S300.

When the POS connects to the device, it displays a message (“Connected”).

Using the S300 Payment Terminal

The following procedures describe various methods of making card payments with the PAX S300 device. Most of these procedures assume that the payment terminal is set to prompt for tips, but not set to accept debit payments.

Note: Tip adjustments must be performed in the POS, not with the PAX device. 

Credit Card with No EMV Chip

These procedures assume that the payment terminal is set to prompt for tips, but not set to accept debit payments.

  1. In the POS, access a ticket, tap Pay, then tap Card.
    The PAX device will display the “Please Enter Tip Amount” prompt.
  2. Enter a tip amount, then press the green Enter.
    The PAX device will display the “Insert/Tap/Swipe Card/Device” prompt.
  3. Swipe the card on the device.

The device will process the payment.

Credit Card with EMV Chip

These procedures assume that the payment terminal is set to prompt for tips, but not set to accept debit payments.

  1. In the POS, access a ticket, tap Pay, then tap Card.
    The PAX device will display the “Please Enter Tip Amount” prompt.
  2. Enter a tip amount, then press the green Enter.
    The PAX device will display the “Insert/Tap/Swipe Card/Device” prompt.
  3. Dip the card in the device.

The device will process the payment. When the payment is completed, the device will prompt you to remove the card.

Credit Card with EMV Chip and PIN Request

These procedures assume that the payment terminal is set to prompt for tips, but not set to accept debit payments.

  1. In the POS, access a ticket, tap Pay, then tap Card.
    The PAX device will display the “Please Enter Tip Amount” prompt.
  2. Enter a tip amount, then press the green Enter.
    The PAX device will display the “Insert/Tap/Swipe Card/Device” prompt.
  3. Dip the card in the device.
    The device will display the “Please Enter PIN” prompt.
  4. Enter the card’s PIN number, then press the green Enter.

The device will process the payment. When the payment is completed, the device will prompt you to remove the card.

Contactless Credit Card with EMV Chip

These procedures assume that the payment terminal is set to prompt for tips, but not set to accept debit payments.

  1. In the POS, access a ticket, tap Pay, then tap Card.
    The PAX device will display the “Please Enter Tip Amount” prompt.
  2. Enter a tip amount, then press the green Enter.
    The PAX device will display the “Insert/Tap/Swipe Card/Device” prompt.
  3. Tap the card against the device’s screen.

The device will process the payment.

Credit Card Manual Entry

These procedures assume that the payment terminal is set to prompt for tips, but not set to accept debit payments.

  1. In the POS, access a ticket, tap Pay, then tap Card.
    The PAX device will display the “Please Enter Tip Amount” prompt.
  2. Enter a tip amount, then press the green Enter.
    The PAX device will display the “Insert/Tap/Swipe Card/Device” prompt.
  3. Type the credit card number on the device’s keypad, then press Enter.
  4. At the “Please Enter Expiry Date” prompt, type the card’s expiration date with the keypad, then press Enter.
  5. At the “Please Enter Your CVC2” prompt, type the card’s validation code with the keypad, then press Enter.
  6. At the “Please Enter Your Address” prompt, type the customer’s street address with the keypad, then press Enter.
  7. To enter alphabetic characters with the keypad, press the button of the key that includes the letter, then press the Alpha button multiple times to rotate through the available characters (lowercase and uppercase) until you select the character you need.
  8. At the “Please Enter Your Zip Code” prompt, type the customer’s ZIP code with the keypad, then press Enter.

The device will process the payment.

Credit Card Refund

  1. In the POS, access a ticket and tap Info.
  2. In the Ticket Actions screen, tap Refund Ticket.
    The device will display a message: “A refund version of this ticket will be created. The Original ticket and payment will not be affected.”
  3. Tap OK.
  4. When prompted, enter a reason for the refund, then tap Continue.
  5. Tap Checkout.
  6. Tap Card.
  7. Tap the credit card on file.
    or Tap Payment Terminal.
  8. If you select a card on file, the POS will process the refund.
    If you select Payment Terminal, you must complete the transaction on the PAX device.
  9. On the PAX device, tap Credit.
  10. Dip or swipe the card, or tap the card against the device’s screen.

The device will process the payment.