Digital Dining Tokens
@{ACCOUNT_BALANCE} Layouts: Receipts, Checks
Intended Use: Inserts the remaining balance when a customer charges the check to an A / R account.
@{ACCOUNT_NAME} Layouts: Receipts Checks
Digital Dining includes over 400 tokens, enabling you to create virtually any layout with virtually any information that you desire.
The following tokens appear in the Token list of at least one of the ten layouts that you can access from the Layouts menu. Not all of the tokens are available for each layout; therefore, if you do not see one of the following tokens in the list for a layout you are modifying, then that token is not available for that particular layout.
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the text you have typed in the Account Name box on the A/R Account Maintenance Window for the customer associated with the current check.
Support Documentation 1
Digital Dining Tokens
@{ACCOUNT_NO} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Inserts the number in the Account No. box on the A/R Account Maintenance Window for the customer associated with the current check.
@{ACCOUNT_NUMBER} Layouts: Receipts, Checks
Intended Use: Inserts the number in the Account No. box on the A/R Account Maintenance Window for the customer associated with the current check.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the text you have typed in the Building box on the A/R Account Maintenance window (Back Office program) or the Customer Record Maintenance window (Frequent Diner/Delivery program) for the customer associated with the current check.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the text you have typed in the Street box on the A/R Account Maintenance window (Back Office program) or the Customer Record Maintenance window (Frequent Diner/Delivery program) for the customer associated with the current check.
@{ALL_PREP_INSTRUCTIONS} Layouts: Prep Ticket
2 Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the text you have typed on the Prep Ins tab of the Menu Item Maintenance window.
Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: For the plan definition associated with the customer, the @{ALLOW_CPN_PRINT} token reads the Print check box on the Main tab of the Frequent Dining Plan Maintenance window. If the Print check box is selected, the token will print “YES”; if the Print check box is cleared, the token will print “NO”.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: For the plan definition associated with the customer, the @{ALLOW_CREDIT} token reads the Credit check box on the Main tab of the Frequent Dining Plan Maintenance window. If the Credit check box is selected, the token will print “YES”; if the Credit check box is cleared, the token will print “NO”.
Layouts: Authorization Slip, Check
Intended Use: Inserts the approval code that is returned by the clearinghouse when a credit card is approved.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount (including discounts, charges, and taxes) divided by the number of checks of all checks rung for 1) a staff member (Server or Cashier Report), 2) a register (Sales Report), 3) a profit center (Profit Center Report), or 4) the system (System Report).
Digital Dining
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Support Documentation 3
Digital Dining Tokens
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount (including discounts, charges, and taxes) divided by the number of covers of all checks rung for 1) a staff member (Server or Cashier Report), 2) a register (Sales Report), 3) a profit center (Profit Center Report), or 4) the system (System Report).
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the average duration of the table turns listed in the report. A table turn is the period of time between the seat time (when the customer is seated) and the close time (when the check is closed). The program calculates the average table turn by adding the table turns of all the closed checks on the report and then dividing that sum by the number of closed checks.
@{BEVERAGE_BODY} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
4 Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the quantity, description, and price of all menu items ordered on a check that you have associated with the main group type “Beverage”. The list of menu items that this token inserts is cumulative; that is, it includes all menu items on the check (not just the current order) belonging to that main group type.
Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all menu items ordered on a report that you have associated with the main group type “Beverage”.
@{BOLD_OFF} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Turns off bold face formatting for the subsequent tokens or text.
@{BOLD_ON} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Turns on bold face formatting for the subsequent tokens or text.
Digital Dining Support Documentation 5
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts “@{CALC}( ,0.00)”.
The @{CALC} token performs a calculation (with numbers or other tokens) and inserts the results in the layout. The token calculates the values you insert in the first parameter and formats the result based on the second parameter. The value of the first parameter can be all tokens, a typed calculation (for example, 5 + 2), or a combination of the two. The @{CALC} token calculates multiplication and division before it calculates addition or subtraction. For example, if you insert @{CALC} (5 + 4 / 2), the result is “7.00”; if you insert @{CALC} ((5 + 4) / 2), the result is “4.50” because the values in the parentheses are summed before being divided by 2.
Be careful when typing equations for the @{CALC} token. If you insert an incorrect number of parentheses, the @{CALC} token will calculate the first valid expression and print the rest of the calculation as plain text. For example, if you insert @{CALC}(5+4)/2,0.00) into the layout—with a missing parens mark “(“at the beginning of the equation—then the program will print “9/2,0.00)” in the printout.
Finally, you can also change the second parameter so that it formats the result as you want it. We strongly recommend that you only use zeroes “0” as the formatting characters; otherwise the @{CALC} token treats them as literal strings and does not replace those values with calculation values. For example, @{CALC}(5+4,ZZZ0.00) will return “ZZZ9.00”. The calculation still occurs, but it is prefaced--not replaced-- with the formatting you specified. The formatting is also unforgiving, so you should be cautious about changing the standard 0.00 formatting.
@{CARD_APPROVAL_AMOUNT} Layouts: Authorization Slip
6 Digital Dining
Intended Use: If you run the POS in Verification mode, the @{CARD_APPROVAL_AMOUNT} token will insert the card’s total approved amount. If you run the POS in Preauthorization mode, the @{CARD_APPROVAL_AMOUNT} token will insert the total amount of all the card’s verifications.
The @{CARD_APPROVAL_AMOUNT} token applies to both gift cards and credit cards.
Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
@{CARD_BALANCE} Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount of a gift card’s available balance. @{CARD_EXP_DATE}
Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the expiration date of the credit card that was swiped.
@{CARD_LAST4DIGIT} Layouts: Authorization Slip, Check
Intended Use: Inserts the last four digits of a credit card that was used to pay the check. All the other digits are inserted as “X”.
Layouts: Authorization Slip, Check
Intended Use: Inserts the name that appears on the credit card that was swiped.
Digital Dining Support Documentation 7
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Authorization Slip, Check
Intended Use: Inserts the type (for example, VISA, MasterCard, or AMEX) of the credit card that was swiped.
@{CASH_DRAWER} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: For a single drawer operation, the @{CASH_DRAWER} token inserts the name of drawer that the POS register is using. It retrieves the name of the drawer from the Cash Drawer list on the Printer tab of the Register Definition Maintenance window. In a multiple cash drawer operation, the POS will display a list of all available printer definitions (if you have selected Multi-Drawer from the Cash Drawer list). The staff member then selects the correct printer definition, and the description of that printer definition becomes the @{CASH_DRAWER} token.
@{CASH_DRAWERID} Layouts: Cashier Report
Intended Use: Inserts the description of the cash drawer used by the cashier. @{CASH_LESSTIPS}
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of the Cash receipt type minus any charge tips and declared tips.
@{CASH_OVER_SHORT} Layouts: Cashier Report
Intended Use: Inserts the cash drawer’s cash over short amount, calculated by adding the Starting Cash amount and the Net Receipts amount, and deducting that sum from the Ending cash amount. [Ending Cash - (Starting Cash + Net Receipts)]
8 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: For a Cashier Report, the @{CASHIER_ID} token inserts the ID number of the staff member whom the report is being performed for. The ID number for each staff member comes from the Staff ID box of the Staff Definition Maintenance window.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: For a Cashier Report, the @{CASHIER_NAME} token inserts the name of the staff member whom the report is being performed for. The name for each staff member comes from the POS Name box on the Main tab of the Staff Definition Maintenance window.
Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts @{CENTER}(). The @{CENTER} token will center the token or text that you place in the parentheses. Not that 10 is the maximum number of characters you can use with @{CENTER} token.
@{CHANGE} Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: The dollar amount of overpayment for any receipt type that you have set to “Change”.
Digital Dining
Layouts: Checks, Receipts, Prep Tickets, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Support Documentation 9
Digital Dining Tokens
Intended Use: Inserts the sum (in dollars) of all charges of a specific type applied to a check. In checks and receipts, the token inserts the sum of all charges of a specific type applied to a specific person. In prep tickets, the token inserts the sum of all charges of a specific type applied to the entire check. When you add the @{CHARGE_AMOUNT_} token to a layout, the Setup program will prompt you to select a specific charge, and the name of that charge will be added to the text of the token.
Layouts: Checks, Receipts, Prep Tickets, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number of times a specific charge was applied to a check. In checks and receipts, the token inserts the number of times a charge was applied to a specific person. In prep tickets, the token inserts the number of times a charge was applied to the entire check. When you add the @{CHARGE_COUNT_} token to a layout, the Setup program will prompt you to select a specific charge, and the name of that charge will be added to the text of the token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of charge tips minus the credit card fee.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
10 Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts a list of all charge transactions performed during the current shift. For each transaction, the token includes the check number and the amount of the charge. The range of the charges included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the charges from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the charges from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the charges from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all charges from all checks within the system.
Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of all charge transactions performed during the current shift. The range of the charges included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the charges from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the charges from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the charges from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all charges from all checks within the system.
Support Documentation 11
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all charge transactions performed during the current shift. The range of the charges included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the charges from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the charges from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the charges from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all charges from all checks within the system.
@{CHECK_BEVERAGE_TOTAL} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all menu items ordered on a check that you have associated with the main group type “Beverage”.
@{CHECK_CASHIER_ID} Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the ID number of the staff member who pays out the check. The ID number for each staff member comes from the Staff ID box of the Staff Definition Maintenance window.
@{CHECK_CASHIER_NAME} Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the name of the staff member who pays out the check. The name for each staff member comes from the POS Name box on the Main tab of the Staff Definition Maintenance window.
@{CHECK_CHARGE_AS_TIP_DETAIL} Layouts: Check, Receipts, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket
12 Digital Dining
Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Intended Use: For charges that the program reports as tips, the @{CHECK_CHARGE_AS_TIP_DETAIL} token displays the transaction type (name of the charge), the check number, the Digital Dining ID of the staff member who performed the transaction, and the amount of the transaction. (To create a charge tip, select the Treat as Tip check box in the Charges Definition Maintenance window.)
@{CHECK_CHARGE_AS_TIP_TOTAL} Layouts: Check, Receipts, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket
Intended Use: For charges that the program reports as tips, the @{CHECK_CHARGE_AS_TIP_TOTAL} token displays the total amount of the transaction. (To create a charge tip, select the Treat as Tip check box in the Charges Definition Maintenance window.)
@{CHECK_CHARGES_DETAIL} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Digital Dining
Intended Use: For each service charge applied to a check, the @{CHECK_CHARGES_DETAIL} token inserts the name of the service charge your staff has applied, the check number (in standard format) that the charge was applied to, the quantity of charges (if more than one charge of the same type), and the total cost of the charge(s).
Support Documentation 13
Digital Dining Tokens
@{CHECK_CHARGES_SUMMARY} Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts a summary of the charges on a check. For each charge type included on the check, the token inserts a line that lists the name of the charge type, the number of charges of that type, and the total for that charge type.
@{CHECK_CHARGES_TOTAL} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of service charges for the current check.
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: The POS automatically assigns each check a number starting with “1” (this number gets reset to “1” when new daily sales files are created). The @{CHECK_COUNT} token calculates how many checks have been created during a day so that you can, for example, print a coupon if the count is greater than or less than a certain value.
@{CHECK_CUSTOMER} Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the name of the customer associated with the current check. @{CHECK_DETAIL_BYPERSON}
14 Digital Dining
Layouts: Check
Intended Use: Groups menu items on a check by each person and includes a subtotal for each person. This token also includes each person’s discounts, charges, gift certificates, and tax subtotals with menu items on a check.
Support Documentation
Intended Use: For each discount applied to a check, the @{CHECK_DISCOUNTS_DETAIL} token inserts the name of the discount your staff has applied, the check number (in standard format) that the discount was applied to, the quantity of discounts (if more than one discount of the same type), and the total cost of the discount(s).
@{CHECK_DISCOUNTS_SUMMARY} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts, Authorization Slip
Intended Use: Inserts a summary of the discounts on the check. For each discount type included on the check, the token inserts a line that lists the name of the discount type, the number of discounts of that type, and the total for that discount type.
@{CHECK_DISCOUNTS_TOTAL} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of discounts for the current check.
Digital Dining Support Documentation 15
Digital Dining Tokens
@{CHECK_DISCOUNTS_DETAIL} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Digital Dining Tokens
@{CHECK_FOOD_TOTAL} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all menu items ordered on a check that you have associated with the main group type “Food”.
@{CHECK_GIFTCERT_DETAIL} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: For each gift certificate applied to a check, the @{CHECK_GIFTCERT_DETAIL} token inserts the name of the gift certificate your staff has applied, the check number (in standard format) that the gift certificate was applied to, the quantity of gift certificates (if more than one gift certificate of the same type), and the total cost of the gift certificate(s).
@{CHECK_GIFTCERT_TOTAL} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
16 Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of gift certificates for the current check.
Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the name of the guest (entered at the POS if you have the register definition set to allow the staff member to enter a name for a check).
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: The check number in a standard, six-digit format. If this token prints fewer than six-digits, you either have an older version of Digital Dining (whose check numbers only go to a four-digit count), or your checks have not yet reached into the six-digit count.
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts a reproduction of the check number in bar code format. For this token to work properly, you must define a custom code to print the bar code. First, consult your printer manual for the custom code, then insert those codes in one of the custom code boxes (for the correct device type) on the Custom Codes tab of the Device Type Maintenance window. Second, in the layout where you want the bar code, insert the @{CUSTOM_} token (making sure that you select the one you created for the bar code) BEFORE the @{CHECK_NO_BC} token (see the example below). Finally, you cannot have any other tokens or text on the same line as the @{CUSTOM_} and @{CHECK_NO_BC} tokens; if you have other tokens or text on the same line, the @{CHECK_NO_BC} token will print in standard format.
Support Documentation 17
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the last three digits of the six-digit check number.
@{CHECK_NUMBER} Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the check number with no leading zeroes.
18 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all menu items ordered on a check that you have associated with the main group type “Other”.
@{CHECK_RECEIPTS} Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the different receipt types (for example, Cash, Visa) that a staff member used to pay the current check.
Digital Dining Tokens
@{CHECK_OTHER_TOTAL} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
@{CHECK_SERVER_ID} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Digital Dining
Support Documentation 19
Digital Dining Tokens
Intended Use: Inserts the ID of the staff member who starts the check. The ID number for each staff member comes from the Staff ID box on the Main tab of the Staff Definition Maintenance window.
@{CHECK_SERVER_NAME} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the name of the staff member who starts the check. The name for each staff member comes from the POS Name box on the Main tab of the Staff Definition Maintenance window.
@{CHECK_SPECIALS_DETAIL} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket
Intended Use: For each special applied to a check, the @{CHECK_SPECIALS_DETAIL} token inserts the name (based on what the staff has typed at the POS) of the special your staff has applied, the check number (in standard format) that the special was applied to, the quantity of specials (if more than one special of the same type), and the total cost of the special(s).
@{CHECK_SPECIALS_TOTAL} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket
20 Digital Dining
Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of any special menu items you have added to the current check.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the subtotal for the current check, including charges and discounts.
@{CHECK_TAX_TOTAL} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all taxes on the current check. @{CHECK_TAXTOTAL_1}
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all taxes associated with tax rate 1
for the current check.
@{CHECK_TAXTOTAL_2} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all taxes associated with tax rate 2 for the current check.
@{CHECK_TAXTOTAL_3} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all taxes associated with tax rate 3 for the current check.
Support Documentation 21
Digital Dining Tokens
@{CHECK_TAXTOTAL_4} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all taxes associated with tax rate 4 for the current check.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount for the current check, which includes taxes, charges, discounts, and tips (if any).
@{CHECK_TYPE} Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts “Payment” or “Refund” depending on the check transaction. @{CITY}
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: For the current customer, the @{CITY} token inserts the text you have typed in the City box on the Main tab of the Customer Record Maintenance window (Frequent Diner/Delivery program).
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all menu items that you have associated with the menu main group type “Beverage” that appeared on closed checks. Typically, you will use the @{CLOSED_BEVERAGE} token with the @{OPEN_BEVERAGE} token to show the difference between closed and open “Beverage” menu main group types.
Support Documentation
22 Digital Dining
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all menu items that you have associated with the menu main group type “Food” that appeared on closed checks. Typically, you will use the @{CLOSED_FOOD} token with the @{OPEN_FOOD} token to show the difference between closed and open “Food” menu main group types.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all menu items that you have associated with the menu main group type “Other” that appeared on closed checks. Typically, you will use the @{CLOSED_OTHER} token with the @{OPEN_OTHER} token to show the difference between closed and open “Other” menu main group types.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all menu items that appeared on closed checks. Typically, you will use the @{CLOSED_TOTAL} token with the @{OPEN_TOTAL} token to show the difference between closed and open totals.
@{COMMENT_IN} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the text of the clock in comment that a staff member recorded during the clock in procedures.
Support Documentation 23
Digital Dining Tokens
@{COMMENT_OUT} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the text of the clock out comment that a staff member recorded during the clock out procedures.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the text you type in the Company Name box on the Main tab of the Customer Record Maintenance window in the Frequent Diner/Delivery program.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number of days that the complaint has existed. @{COMPLAINT_DETAILS}
Layouts: Complaint Coupon
Intended Use: Inserts the text that the staff members type in at the POS as the
details of the complaint.
@{COMPLAINT_REASON} Layouts: Complaint Coupon
Intended Use: Inserts the reason associated with the complaint. The available reasons come from the Complaint Reason Maintenance window.
24 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Prints the text of the check coupon if the menu items on the check meet the criteria of the check coupon set that is associated with the current register definition.
@{COURSE_BEVERAGE_BODY} Layout: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: It prints all the menu items from the check that belong to the Beverage main group grouped by course.
@{COURSE_FOOD_BODY} Layout: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: It prints all the menu items from the check that belong to the Food main group grouped by course.
@{COURSE_LOOP} Layout: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: It allows you to set the program to analyze the check for the course information and print the information that you select (using other tokens, like @{COURSE_NAME}) on the prep ticket.
@{COURSE_NAME} Layout: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: It inserts the name of the course on the prep ticket.
Digital Dining Tokens
@{COURSE_NEXT} Layout: Prep Ticket
Digital Dining
Support Documentation 25
Digital Dining Tokens
Intended Use: It allows you to set the program to proceed to the next course while analyzing the order for coursing information using the @{COURSE_LOOP} token.
Intended Use: It prints the menu items grouped by course. Within each course, the program prints all identical menu items grouped with the modifiers printed beneath them.
Intended Use: It prints all identical menu items on a check including modifiers grouped by course.
@{COURSE_ORDER_DETAIL} Layout: Prep Ticket
26 Digital Dining
Intended Use: It prints the menu items from the check sorted by course. Within each course, the program also sorts the menu items by the person number and the prep print order (based on the setting that you select in the Print Order list on the Main tab of the Menu Prep Type Maintenance window).
Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
@{COURSE_ORDER_DETAIL_ALL} Layout: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: It prints all menu items including modifiers on the prep ticket grouped by course. It also includes the items previously ordered on the same check and the menu items that go to different printers.
Intended Use: It prints the menu items on the prep ticket grouped by course and in the order that the staff member ordered them at the POS.
@{COURSE_ORDER_SUMMARY} Layout: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: It prints the count of main menu items on the prep ticket grouped by course. (For example, if customers order 2 like menu items, the program will print them in one line with a count of 2.)
Intended Use: It inserts all menu items on a check on a prep ticket. The program prints the items as a list of like menu items (including the proper count) on a check grouped by course.
@{COURSE_OTHER_BODY} Layout: Prep Ticket
Digital Dining
Intended Use: It prints all the menu items from the check that belong to the Other main group grouped by course.
Support Documentation 27
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of covers on the check. @{CREDIT_MERCHANT}
Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the merchant ID number of the credit card transaction.
@{CREDIT_REFERENCE_NUM} Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the reference number of the credit card transaction’s verification, if any.
@{CREDIT_RESULT} Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: After the Credit Card Server program tries to verify a credit card, this token inserts the result (“APPROVED” or “DECLINED”).
@{CREDIT_TERMINAL} Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the terminal ID number of the credit card transaction, if any. @{CREDIT_TIMING}
28 Digital Dining
Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: Specifies if a credit card transaction was authorized with the Pre Authorize check option function (“Preauthorize”) or through standard validation (“Regular”).
Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of fees that the restaurant collects on charge tips from servers for a staff member (in Server or Cashier Reports), a register (in Sales Reports), a profit center (in Profit Center Reports), or the system (in System Reports).
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipt, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status
Intended Use: Inserts the customer’s current credit amount in dollars.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipt, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status
Intended Use: Inserts the customer’s current points total.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the text (for example, Mr., Ms., Mrs.) that you type in the Title box on the Main tab of the Customer Record Maintenance window.
@{CUSTOM_1 THRU 7} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Uses the custom codes you have created on the Custom Codes tab of the Device Type Maintenance window for the printers you have defined.
Digital Dining Support Documentation 29
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the text you type in the Phone box on the Main tab of the Customer Record Maintenance window.
Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Tells the printer to cut the paper. @{DATE}
Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts the date, which it retrieves from the computer system. The format of the date (for example, whether it’s 08/15/2001 or Aug-15-01) depends on how you format the date to appear to your system. That is, you can change how the date appears in your printed layout by changing the selection from the Short Date Style and Date Separator lists on the Date tab of the Regional Settings Properties dialog box (which you can access through the Control Panel).
Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Prints the DDMail message on the clock in/out slip if the staff member clocking in/out meets the criteria set for receiving the DDMail message.
30 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts “@{DEC}()”. The @{DEC} token will extract the first number string (a “string” can be only one character) that occurs in the parameter that you insert in the parentheses. For example, if you insert any of the following into a layout, the token will return “12”: @{DEC}(12abc345), @{DEC}(a12bc345), @{DEC}(abc12d345). The parameter can be either plain text (as above) or another token. (The @{DEC} token functions exactly like the @{VAL} token, except that the @{DEC} token can return decimal values.)
@{DECLINE_REASON} Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: If a credit card transaction is declined, the @{DECLINE_REASON} inserts the decline reason. For example, “Insufficient fund”, “Expired card”, and so on.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the text you type in the Delivery Instructions box on the Messages tab of the Customer Record Maintenance window, or it inserts the text you add/edit at the POS when adding/accessing a customer record.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the delivery zone you have associated with a customer record. You can set/change the delivery zone for a customer using the Delivery Zone list on the Main tab of the Customer Record Maintenance window; you can also set/change the delivery zone for a customer when adding/accessing a customer record from the POS.
Support Documentation 31
Digital Dining Tokens
@{DEMO_WARNING} Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: Inserts text that acknowledges you are in demo mode for the credit card server.
32 Digital Dining
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Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts a detailed list of deposit totals for each receipt type, grouped by deposit type. The @{DEPOSIT_AUDIT} token also includes the name of the staff member who performed each deposit and the time of each deposit.
Digital Dining
Support Documentation 33
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of deposit totals for each receipt type and deposit type.
34 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of deposit totals for each deposit type.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
Digital Dining
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total deposit amount for all deposit types made by the staff member during the shift.
Support Documentation 35
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Time Clock Slip, Cashier Report, Server Report
Intended Use: Inserts the long description of the staff department (from the Staff Department Maintenance window) for the associated staff member.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
36 Digital Dining
Report, System Report
Intended Use: The @{DETAIL_BEFORE_RESET} token lists all the transactions of a certain type (for example, Discounts or Charges) that occurred before you used the Reset Cashier Report or Reset Server Report register option. The @{DETAIL_BEFORE_RESET} token is not a toggled token like @{BOLD_ON} and @{BOLD_OFF}. Instead, once you set the @{DETAIL_BEFORE_RESET} token by typing (True) or (False) after the token, then the token is True or False for the entire layout; you cannot insert the token in the layout again and change its value. If you include this token on a layout and set its value to True, then it affects all
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Digital Dining Tokens
applicable tokens on the layout, not just the ones that appear after this token (see the example). Any of the transactions that appear above the text TypeOfReset “Reset @” TimeOfReset are the details before the reset register option was used.
Layouts: Checks, Receipts, Prep Tickets, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended use: Inserts the sum (in dollars) of all discounts of a specific type applied to a check. In checks and receipts, the token inserts the sum of all discounts of a specific type applied to a specific person. In prep tickets, the token inserts the sum of all discounts of a specific type applied to the entire check. When you add the @{DISCOUNT_AMOUNT_} token to a layout, the Setup program will prompt you to select a specific charge, and the name of that charge will be added to the text of the token.
Layouts: Checks, Receipts, Prep Tickets, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server
Digital Dining
Report, System Report
Intended use: Inserts the number of times a specific discount was applied to a check. In checks and receipts, the token inserts the number of times a discount was applied to a specific person. In prep tickets, the token inserts the number of times a discount was applied to the entire check. When you add the @{DISCOUNT_COUNT_} token to a layout, the Setup program will prompt you to select a specific charge, and the name of that charge will be added to the text of the token.
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Digital Dining Tokens
@{DISCOUNT_ROLLUP} Layouts: Check
Intended use: Inserts the total of all the roll-up discounts on the check. @{DISCOUNTS_DETAIL}
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of all discount transactions performed during the current shift. For each transaction, the token includes the check number and the amount of the discount. The range of the discounts included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all discounts from all checks within the system.
38 Digital Dining
Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of all discount transactions performed during the current shift. The range of the discounts included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all discounts from all checks within the system.
Digital Dining
Support Documentation 39
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of totals for each discount type for all discount transactions performed during the current shift. The range of the discounts included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all discounts from all checks within the system.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all discount transactions performed during the current shift. The range of the discounts included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all discounts from all checks within the system.
@{DUPLICATE_CHECK} Layouts: Check
40 Digital Dining
Intended Use: If you add this token to a layout and then print a check at the POS, the @{DUPLICATE_CHECK} token will determine if your are printing the check for the first time, printing a modified copy of the check, or printing an unmodified copy of the check. If you are printing the check for the first time, the token will have a value of 0. If you have printing a copy of the check after modifying it, then the token will have a value of 1. If you are printing a copy of a check without having modified it, then the token will have a value of 2.
Using the @{DUPLICATE_CHECK} token with @{SKIP_IF} tokens, you can add coupons (for example) to a check layout but prevent that coupon from printing on copies of the same check. For instance, if you want a coupon to appear on the first
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Digital Dining Tokens
printing of check, but not on any copies of the check, you could add the following tokens to the layout:
@{EMPLOYEE_ID} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the ID number of the staff member who is clocking in/out. The ID number for each staff member comes from the Staff ID box of the Staff Definition Maintenance window.
@{EMPLOYEE_NAME} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the name of the staff member who is clocking in/out. The name for each staff member comes from the POS Name box of the Staff Definition Maintenance window.
@{EMPLOYEE_PHONE_LIST} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the employee phone list as Last Name, First Name, and Home Phone number.
Support Documentation 41
Digital Dining Tokens
@{ENDING_CASH} Layouts: Cashier Report
Intended Use: Inserts the cash drawer’s ending cash amount, as entered by the cashier.
@{ENDING_TIME} Layouts: Cashier Report
Intended Use: Inserts the time when the cashier entered the ending cash amount for the cash drawer.
@{ENTRY_TYPE} Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: Inserts text that indicates whether the credit card was swiped or entered manually.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the expiration date of a coupon. The expiration date is based on the customer’s frequent diner plan.
@{EXPAND_OFF} Layouts: All Layouts
42 Digital Dining
Intended Use: Sends the standard codes you have inserted in the Expand Off boxes on the STD Codes tab of the Device Type Maintenance window. These standard codes (which you can get from your printer manual) will turn off expanded printing (if it is turned on).
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Digital Dining Tokens
@{EXPAND_ON} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Sends the standard codes you have inserted in the Expand On boxes on the STD Codes tab of the Device Type Maintenance window. These standard codes (which you can get from your printer manual) will make the following text or tokens print in expanded format (taller and wider text) until you use the @{EXPAND_OFF} token to return to normal size printing.
Layouts: Server Report, Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, System Report,
Sales Report
Intended Use: Inserts the server’s total amount of tips from all of the cash receipts.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the name of the Frequent Dining plan that the customer is associated with.
@{FD_PLAN_ITEM_SET_ALL} Layouts: Status Report
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts a list of all the menu items in a frequent dining plan’s menu item set.
If you print a Status Report for a customer that is enrolled in a frequent dining plan that uses the Menu Item Set accumulation method, this token will print a list of all the items in the plan’s menu item set. The token will designate each item in the list that the customer has ordered with an “X”. Each item in the list that the customer has not ordered yet will appear with a blank space.
Support Documentation 43
Digital Dining Tokens
@{FD_PLAN_ITEM_SET_NEEDED} Layouts: Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of all the menu items from a frequent dining plan’s menu item set that the customer has not yet ordered. If you print a Status Report for a customer that is enrolled in a frequent dining plan that uses the Menu Item Set accumulation method, this token will print a list of all the items in the plan’s menu item set that the customer has not yet ordered.
@{FD_PLAN_ITEM_SET_ORDERED} Layouts: Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of all the menu items from a frequent dining plan’s menu item set that the customer has ordered. If you print a Status Report for a customer that is enrolled in a frequent dining plan that uses the Menu Item Set accumulation method, this token will print a list of all the items in the plan’s menu item set that the customer has ordered.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the text that you typed in the First Name box of the Customer Record Maintenance window for the customer associated with the check.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Server Report, Sales Report
44 Digital Dining
Intended Use: Changes the data that appears in the Server, Cashier, and Sales Report layouts. If you add the @{FIRST_SHIFT} token to a report layout, the POS will generate a report using the sales data that preceded the last report reset.
For instance, a server might print a Server Report and then reset the Server Report at the end of the first shift. Later, during the second shift, if the server prints a Server Report that includes the @{FIRST_SHIFT} token, the Server Report will use the sales data from the first shift (before the report was reset).
Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the quantity, description, and price of all menu items ordered on a check that you have associated with the main group type “Food”. The list of menu items that this token inserts is cumulative; that is, it includes all menu items on the check (not just the current order) belonging to that main group type.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all menu items ordered on a report that you have associated with the main group type “Food”.
@{FORMAT_END} Layouts: All Layouts
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Ends the formatting parameters you specified. The @{FORMAT_} tokens take the basic format of starting with one of the items to format (for example, a menu item, a voided menu item, or a modifier), the way you want the item formatted (which can be other tokens), and the @{FORMAT_END} token. If you omit the @{FORMAT_END} token, the layout will not work correctly (it will only display information up to the first @{FORMAT_} token with no @{FORMAT_END} token).
Support Documentation 45
Digital Dining Tokens
You can use line format characters to set the length (in number of characters) of each field. For example, if you insert “@DDDD”, then Digital Dining will make the description four characters long. To specify the length of the field, you must precede the character or symbol with the “@” symbol.
Use D to set the length of the Description field. Use # to set the length of the Count field. Use $ to set the length of the Dollar Amount field. Use % to set the length of the Percent field. Use C to set the length of the Check Number field. Use T to set the length of the Table Number field. Use P to set the length of the Person Number field. Use Q to set the length of the Quantity field. Use I to set the length of the Manager ID field (the staff ID of the manager who approved the transaction).
@{FORMAT_GENERAL} Layouts: All Layouts
46 Digital Dining
Intended Use: Starts the formatting parameters you want for any list items that do not have a special @{FORMAT_} token. The @{FORMAT_} tokens take the basic format of starting with one of the items to format (for example, a special instruction), the way you want the item formatted (which can be other tokens), and the @{FORMAT_END} token. If you omit the @{FORMAT_END} token, the layout will not work correctly (it will only display information up to the first @{FORMAT_} token with no @{FORMAT_END} token).
You can use line format characters to set the length (in number of characters) of each field. For example, if you insert “@DDDD”, then Digital Dining will make the
Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
description four characters long. To specify the length of the field, you must precede the character or symbol with the “@” symbol.
Use D to set the length of the Description field. Use # to set the length of the Count field. Use $ to set the length of the Dollar Amount field. Use % to set the length of the Percent field. Use C to set the length of the Check Number field. Use T to set the length of the Table Number field. Use P to set the length of the Person Number field. Use Q to set the length of the Quantity field. Use I to set the length of the Manager ID field (the staff ID of the manager who approved the transaction).
@{FORMAT_INSTRUCTION} Layouts: All Layouts
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Starts the formatting parameters you want for any special instructions that will appear on the print out. The @{FORMAT_} tokens take the basic format of starting with one of the items to format (for example, a special instruction), the way you want the item formatted (which can be other tokens), and the @{FORMAT_END} token. If you omit the @{FORMAT_END} token, the layout will not work correctly (it will only display information up to the first @{FORMAT_} token with no @{FORMAT_END} token).
You can use line format characters to set the length (in number of characters) of each field. For example, if you insert “@DDDD”, then Digital Dining will make the description four characters long. To specify the length of the field, you must precede the character or symbol with the “@” symbol.
Use D to set the length of the Description field. Use # to set the length of the Count field. Use $ to set the length of the Dollar Amount field. Use % to set the length of the Percent field. Use C to set the length of the Check Number field. Use T to set the length of the Table Number field. Use P to set the length of the Person Number field. Use Q to set the length of the Quantity field. Use I to set the length of the Manager ID field (the staff ID of the manager who approved the transaction).
Support Documentation 47
Digital Dining Tokens
@{FORMAT_ITM} Layouts: All Layouts
48 Digital Dining
Intended Use: Starts the formatting parameters you want for any menu items that will appear on the printed layout. The @{FORMAT_} tokens take the basic format of starting with one of the items to format (for example, a menu item), the way you want the item formatted (which can be other tokens), and the @{FORMAT_END} token. If you omit the @{FORMAT_END} token, the layout will not work correctly (it will only display information up to the first @{FORMAT_} token with no @{FORMAT_END} token).
You can use line format characters to set the length (in number of characters) of each field. For example, if you insert “@DDDD”, then Digital Dining will make the description four characters long. To specify the length of the field, you must precede the character or symbol with the “@” symbol.
Use D to set the length of the Description field. Use # to set the length of the Count field. Use $ to set the length of the Dollar Amount field. Use % to set the length of the Percent field. Use C to set the length of the Check Number field. Use T to set the length of the Table Number field. Use P to set the length of the Person Number field. Use Q to set the length of the Quantity field. Use I to set the length of the Manager ID field (the staff ID of the manager who approved the transaction).
Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Intended Use: Starts the formatting parameters you want for any voided menu items that will appear on the printed layout. The @{FORMAT_} tokens take the basic format of starting with one of the items to format (for example, a voided menu item), the way you want the item formatted (which can be other tokens), and the @{FORMAT_END} token. If you omit the @{FORMAT_END} token, the layout will not work correctly (it will only display information up to the first @{FORMAT_} token with no @{FORMAT_END} token).
You can use line format characters to set the length (in number of characters) of each field. For example, if you insert “@DDDD”, then Digital Dining will make the description four characters long. To specify the length of the field, you must precede the character or symbol with the “@” symbol.
Use D to set the length of the Description field. Use # to set the length of the Count field. Use $ to set the length of the Dollar Amount field. Use % to set the length of the Percent field. Use C to set the length of the Check Number field. Use T to set the length of the Table Number field. Use P to set the length of the Person Number field. Use Q to set the length of the Quantity field. Use I to set the length of the Manager ID field (the staff ID of the manager who approved the transaction).
Support Documentation 49
@{FORMAT_ITMVOID} Layouts: All Layouts
Digital Dining
Digital Dining Tokens
@{FORMAT_MOD} Layouts: All Layouts
50 Digital Dining
Intended Use: Starts the formatting parameters you want for any modifiers that will appear on the print out. The @{FORMAT_} tokens take the basic format of starting with one of the items to format (for example, a modifier), the way you want the item formatted (which can be other tokens), and the @{FORMAT_END} token. If you omit the @{FORMAT_END} token, the layout will not work correctly (it will only display information up to the first @{FORMAT_} token with no @{FORMAT_END} token).
You can use line format characters to set the length (in number of characters) of each field. For example, if you insert “@DDDD”, then Digital Dining will make the description four characters long. To specify the length of the field, you must precede the character or symbol with the “@” symbol.
Use D to set the length of the Description field. Use # to set the length of the Count field. Use $ to set the length of the Dollar Amount field. Use % to set the length of the Percent field. Use C to set the length of the Check Number field. Use T to set the length of the Table Number field. Use P to set the length of the Person Number field. Use Q to set the length of the Quantity field. Use I to set the length of the Manager ID field (the staff ID of the manager who approved the transaction).
Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Intended Use: Starts the formatting parameters you want for any voided modifiers that will appear on the print out. The @{FORMAT_} tokens take the basic format of starting with one of the items to format (for example, a voided modifier), the way you want the item formatted (which can be other tokens), and the @{FORMAT_END} token. If you omit the @{FORMAT_END} token, the layout will not work correctly (it will only display information up to the first @{FORMAT_} token with no @{FORMAT_END} token).
You can use line format characters to set the length (in number of characters) of each field. For example, if you insert “@DDDD”, then Digital Dining will make the description four characters long. To specify the length of the field, you must precede the character or symbol with the “@” symbol.
Use D to set the length of the Description field. Use # to set the length of the Count field. Use $ to set the length of the Dollar Amount field. Use % to set the length of the Percent field. Use C to set the length of the Check Number field. Use T to set the length of the Table Number field. Use P to set the length of the Person Number field. Use Q to set the length of the Quantity field. Use I to set the length of the Manager ID field (the staff ID of the manager who approved the transaction).
Support Documentation 51
@{FORMAT_MODVOID} Layouts: All Layouts
Digital Dining
Digital Dining Tokens
@{GIFT_CERT_DETAIL} Layouts: Server Report
Intended Use: Inserts each discount by its time for all gift certificates for a staff member.
@{GIFT_CERT_QTY} Layouts: Server Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of gift certificates for a staff member. @{GIFT_CERT_TOTAL}
Layouts: Server Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount for all gift certificates for a staff
@{HOURS_DAY} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the hours that the staff member has worked for that day.
52 Digital Dining Support Documentation
@{HOURS_PERIOD} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the hours that the staff member has worked for that period.
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Digital Dining Tokens
@{HOURS_SHIFT} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the hours that the staff member has worked for that shift.
54 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Intended Use: Accesses and runs an HTML file when you print a layout. The @{HTML} token enables you to run your own HTML-based presentations (such as special messages, warnings, or tutorials) when a layout is printed.
In the Digital Dining Applications directory, there is a special subdirectory (“ServerScreen”) for home-made HTML presentations. If you want to use the @{HTML} token to run such a presentation, you can create the presentation in Microsoft Powerpoint, export that presentation in HTML format, and copy the presentation’s folder to the ServerScreen subfolder in the Applications folder. Each presentation must have its own subfolder in the ServerScreen directory, and the specific HTML file that runs must be named “Presentation.html”.
For instance, you could create a short presentation in Microsoft Powerpoint called “Clock In” to display a message when each staff member clocks in. You could then export that presentation in HTML format and copy the “Clock In” presentation’s folder to the “ServerScreen” subdirectory in the Applications folder:
C:\Program Files\Digital Dining\Application\ServerScreen\ Clock In\Presentation.html
In the Time Clock Slip layout, you could add this token to run the presentation: @{HTML}(Clock In,I Agree)
The token’s first parameter (“Clock In”) specifies which subfolder in the Applications folder to run, so you can store multiple presentations in the ServerScreen subfolder. So, that token will run the Presentation.html file in the Clock In folder. Later, when staff members clock in, the POS will run the HTML message each time it prints the time clock slip.
The token’s second parameter allows you to change the text on the Exit button. By default, when the program runs the @{HTML} token, it will include an Exit button that allows the user to close the HTML file and return to the POS screen. If you add a second parameter to the token, you can change the text that displays on the Exit button. (The second parameter is optional.) So, from the above example, you might run the token with these parameters in the time clock slip layout:
@{HTML}(Clock In,I Agree)
Later, when you print the time clock slip, the POS will run the “Clock In” HTML
presentation and include the I Agree button to exit the presentation.
Support Documentation 55
Layouts: All Layouts
Digital Dining
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the details of all implied drops performed, including the name of each staff member who performed each drop and the time of each drop was performed.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of an implied drop that a staff member receives.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of an implied drop that a staff member “gives.”
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount totals for each staff member who made an implied drop.
56 Digital Dining
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
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Digital Dining Tokens
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all implied drops, which will be positive or negative depending on whether the staff member receives more drops or gave more drops.
@{INGREDIENTS} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Inserts a consolidated summary of the ingredients used by all the items on the prep ticket. The program creates the summary directly from the recipes of the menu items. This token is only available if you use the Inventory program.
The token will only include inventory items that are associated with inventory types that are set as ingredients. To set an inventory type as an ingredient, select the Include in Ingredients check box on the Main tab of the Inventory Types Maintenance window.
Also, the token will only include menu items that have recipes and are associated with prep types that are set as ingredients. To set a prep type as an ingredient, select the Include in Ingredients check box on the Main tab of the Prep Types Maintenance window.
Digital Dining
Support Documentation 57
Digital Dining Tokens
@{INOUT_DETAIL} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the details of each clock in/out transaction that includes the log in/log out date, the log in/log out time (in military format), and the total number of hours worked between the log in and log out time.
@{INOUT_PERIOD_DETAIL} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the details of each clock in/out transaction for an entire pay period that includes the day and the hour the staff member clocked in or out.
58 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the start time of the current interval. @{INTERVAL_END} is its counterpart.
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Support Documentation 59
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the stop time of the current interval. @{INTERVAL_BEGIN} is its counterpart.
60 Digital Dining
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Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
Digital Dining
System Report
Intended Use: The @{INTERVAL_LOOP} token signifies the start of an interval loop. The three parameters (interval, start time, and stop time) of the @{INTERVAL_LOOP} token can be plain text (that you type) or other tokens. The interval parameter is required, represents the number of minutes you want to include for each interval, and must be enclosed with parentheses. For example, if you want the interval to happen every 60 minutes, you would need the layout to include “@{INTERVAL_LOOP}(60)”.
The start and stop time parameters represent the start and stop times for the report (not the interval). To use these parameters, you should type a specific start time and end time (in military format) after the interval parameter, separated by commas. You can use the start parameter without the stop parameter, but you cannot use the stop parameter without the start parameter. If you do not include a start or stop time, then the start time defaults to the start of the day (when new daily files are created) and the stop time defaults to the current time (now). If you choose to not include a start or end time, you must enter a “0” in place of an actual time.
Support Documentation 61
Digital Dining Tokens
@{INTERVAL_MAINGRP_COUNT_BEVERAGE} Layouts: Server Report, Cashier Report, System Report, Sales Report, Profit
Center Report
Intended Use: The @{INTERVAL_MAINGRP_COUNT_BEVERAGE} token displays the quantity of items sold within the Beverage main group during a specified period of time. You must place the token between the @{INTERVAL_LOOP} and the @{INTERVAL_NEXT} tokens.
Layouts: Server Report, Cashier Report, System Report, Sales Report, Profit
Center Report
Intended Use: The @{INTERVAL_MAINGRP_COUNT_FOOD} token displays the quantity of items sold within the Food main group during a specified period of time. You must place the token between the @{INTERVAL_LOOP} and the @{INTERVAL_NEXT} tokens.
Layouts: Server Report, Cashier Report, System Report, Sales Report, Profit
Center Report
Intended Use: The @{INTERVAL_MAINGRP_COUNT_OTHER} token displays the quantity of items sold within the Other main group during a specified period of time. You must place the token between the @{INTERVAL_LOOP} and the @{INTERVAL_NEXT} tokens.
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@{INTERVAL_MAINGRP_SALES_BEVERAGE} Layouts: Server Report, Cashier Report, System Report, Sales Report, Profit
Center Report
Intended Use: The @{INTERVAL_MAINGRP_SALES_BEVERAGE} token displays the amount of sales for items within the Beverage main group during a specified period of time. You must place the token between the @{INTERVAL_LOOP} and the @{INTERVAL_NEXT} tokens.
Layouts: Server Report, Cashier Report, System Report, Sales Report, Profit
Center Report
Intended Use: The @{INTERVAL_MAINGRP_SALES_FOOD} token displays the amount of sales for items within the Food main group during a specified period of time. You must place the token between the @{INTERVAL_LOOP} and the @{INTERVAL_NEXT} tokens.
Layouts: Server Report, Cashier Report, System Report, Sales Report, Profit
Center Report
Intended Use: The @{INTERVAL_MAINGRP_SALES_OTHER} token displays the amount of sales for items within the Other main group during a specified period of time. You must place the token between the @{INTERVAL_LOOP} and the @{INTERVAL_NEXT} tokens.
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Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number of intervals that have been run.
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Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the length of each interval in minutes. You set the length of each interval with the @{INTERVAL_LOOP} token.
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Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Displays the quantity of the selected item sold within a specified period of time. Since the token displays only the numbers, you must enter the menu item name into the layout manually.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Displays the total amount of sales for the selected item within a specified period of time. Since the token displays only the numbers, you must enter the menu item name into the layout manually.
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Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Moves to the next interval for the report. Everything between the @{INTERVAL_LOOP} and @{INTERVAL_NEXT} tokens is repeated for each interval that fits between the start and stop times. The last interval might be less than the full number of minutes (for example, if you set up your intervals to cover 60 but there are only 20 minutes in the last interval.
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Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of checks started within an interval. Checks are only counted in the interval in which they are created, even if the check had orders added in a later interval. Deleted checks are not counted.
Note: Filters can affect the count of checks in a report. For instance, a check with orders from two or more profit centers may have different results if filtered to include individual profit centers or all profit centers. Also, a report that uses a start time and end time will exclude orders placed outside of the time range.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of checks that had orders added to them within an interval, regardless of when each check was created. If a check has orders added to it during multiple intervals, the token will include the check in its count for each of those intervals. Deleted checks are not counted.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of covers from all checks started within an interval. It only includes covers added to a check during the interval in which the check is created. The covers of deleted checks are not counted.
Note: Filters can affect the count of covers in a report. For instance, a check with orders from two or more profit centers may have different results if filtered to include individual profit centers or all profit centers. Also, a report that uses a start time and end time will exclude orders (and their covers) placed outside of the time range.
Support Documentation
68 Digital Dining
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of covers from all checks that are updated with new orders within an interval, regardless of when each check was created. If a check has orders added to it during multiple intervals, the token will include the covers of checks updated within each of those intervals. The covers of deleted checks are not counted.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number of the current interval.
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Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount of beverage sales for the current interval.
70 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount of food sales for the current interval.
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Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount of other sales for the current interval.
72 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount of total sales for the current interval.
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Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: The @{INTERVAL_SALESTYP_COUNT_APPS} token displays the quantity of items sold within the specified sales type during a specific period of time. You must place the token between the @{INTERVAL_LOOP} and the @{INTERVAL_NEXT} tokens.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: The @{INTERVAL_SALESTYP_SALES_APPS} token displays the total amount for items sold within the specified sales type during a specific period of time. You must place the token between the @{INTERVAL_LOOP} and the @{INTERVAL_NEXT} tokens.
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Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the start time that the report (not the interval) covers or the start time parameter you set with the @{INTERVAL_LOOP} token. @{INTERVAL_STOP} is its counterpart.
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Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the stop time that the report (not the interval) covers or the stop time parameter you set with the @{INTERVAL_LOOP} token. @{INTERVAL_START} is its counterpart.
@{ITEM_OUT_LIST} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
76 Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the text of the current item out list, which you can change with a Register Option (Change Item Out List) or in the Back Office (click the Menu Item menu, point to the Menu Utilities submenu, and click Change Item Out List).
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Digital Dining Tokens
Intended Use: The @{ITM_LABEL} token inserts a truncated version of a menu item’s description, as well as the description of any accompanying modifiers.
The token features many parameters. The first parameter allows you to set the total length of each line, as well as the length (that is, the number of characters) of each truncated description as parameters of the token. You can also specify which character the program uses to separate the descriptions as a second parameter in the parentheses. For instance, in the token @{ITM_LABEL}(40, 8, /), the first parameter (40) determines the maximum length of each line. If the total item description (including modifiers) exceeds 40 characters, the program will continue the description on a second line.
The second parameter (8) determines how many characters in each item and modifier description. When it prints the main item’s description, the program allows double the number of characters set in the first parameter. For instance, in the token @{ITM_LABEL}(40, 8, /), the program will truncate the main item’s description at 16 characters, but it will truncate each modifier description at only 8 characters.
The third parameter (/) indicates the character that separates the descriptions of items and modifiers. So, if you order a large pizza with pepperoni, green peppers, and mushrooms as modifiers, the token @{ITM_LABEL}(40, 8, /) might print the following description: “LARGE PIZZA/PEPPERON/GRN PEPP/MUSHROOM”.
The fourth parameter allows you to set the program to include a dollar mark with each price in the layout. If you include the fourth parameter (either “$.$$” or “$$.$$”), the program will print each price with a dollar mark. For instance, the token @{ITM_LABEL}(40, 8, /, $.$$) will list prices with a dollar mark (such as $1.23 or $12.34). The token @{ITM_LABEL}(40, 8, /, $$.$$) will list prices with a dollar mark and an additional digit (such as $01.23).
The fifth parameter (MOD_RED) allows you to set the program to print modifiers in red. If you omit this parameter, then the program will print the modifiers in black.
Support Documentation 77
@{ITM_LABEL} Layouts: Prep Ticket
The token requires the first three parameters to function properly. If you do not include these three parameters in the token, the token will not print anything in the layout. The subsequent parameters are all optional. | |
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The sixth parameter (MOD_NEW_LINE) allows you to set the program to print modifiers on a new line under the main item. If you omit this parameter, then the program will print modifiers on the same line as the main item. For instance, in the token @{ITM_LABEL}(40, 6, -, $.$$, MOD_RED, MOD_NEW_LINE), the program will print the modifiers on a new line in red text.
The seventh parameter (ITM_QTY) allows you to set the program to print the quantity of the main item. If the quantity is greater than one, the program will print the quantity on the prep ticket before the item’s description.
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Intended Use: The @{ITM_LABEL_INST} token inserts a truncated version of a menu item’s description, as well as the description of any accompanying modifiers. The @{ITM_LABEL_INST} token functions exactly like the @{ITM_LABEL} token, except that it also includes any special instructions that were entered for the order. If the order includes special instructions, the token will print the instructions on a new line after the menu item’s name and before any modifiers or toppings.
The token features seven parameters. The first parameter allows you to set the total length of each line, as well as the length (that is, the number of characters) of each truncated description as parameters of the token. You can also specify which character the program uses to separate the descriptions as a second parameter in the parentheses. For instance, in the token @{ITM_LABEL_INST}(40, 8, /), the first parameter (40) determines the maximum length of each line. If the total item description (including modifiers) exceeds 40 characters, the program will continue the description on a second line.
The second parameter (8) determines how many characters in each item and modifier description. When the program prints the main item’s description and special instructions, it allows double the number of characters set in the first parameter. For instance, in the token @{ITM_LABEL_INST}(40, 8, /), the program will truncate the main item’s description at 16 characters, and it will truncate the instructions (on a new line) at 16 characters, but it will truncate each modifier at only 8 characters.
The third parameter (/) indicates the character that separates the descriptions of items and modifiers. So, if you order a large pizza with pepperoni, green peppers, and mushrooms as modifiers, the token @{ITM_LABEL_INST}(40, 8, /) might print the following description: “LARGE PIZZA/PEPPERON/GRN PEPP/MUSHROOM”.
The token requires the first three parameters to function properly. If you do not include these three parameters in the token, the token will not print anything in the layout. The subsequent parameters are all optional.
The fourth parameter allows you to set the program to include a dollar mark with each price in the layout. If you include the fourth parameter (either “$.$$” or “$$.$$”), the program will print each price with a dollar mark. For instance, the token @{ITM_LABEL_INST}(40, 8, /, $.$$) will list prices with a dollar mark (such as $1.23 or $12.34). The token @{ITM_LABEL_INST}(40, 8, /, $$.$$) will list prices with a dollar mark and an additional digit (such as $01.23).
The fifth parameter (MOD_RED) allows you to set the program to print modifiers in red. If you omit this parameter, then the program will print the instructions in black.
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@{ITM_LABEL_INST} Layouts: Prep Ticket
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Digital Dining Tokens
The sixth parameter (MOD_NEW_LINE) allows you to set the program to print instructions on a new line under the main item. If you omit this parameter, then the program will print instructions on the same line as the main item. For instance, in the token @{ITM_LABEL_INST}(40, 6, -, $.$$, MOD_RED, MOD_NEW_LINE), the program will print the instructions on a new line in red text.
The seventh parameter (ITM_QTY) allows you to set the program to print the quantity of the main item. If the quantity is greater than one, the program will print the quantity on the prep ticket before the item’s description.
80 Digital Dining
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total amount of charges within the report’s time interval.
The range of the charges included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the charges from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the charges from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the charges from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all charges from all checks within the system.
The range of charges also depends upon the time range of the report. When you print a layout that includes a @{LABORCOST_ token, the POS prompts you to select a labor report time interval before generating the report. (Time intervals are defined in the POS Labor Report Time Interval Maintenance window.) If no labor report time
Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
intervals are defined, the POS will use the time range set in the POS Labor Cost area, on the Times tab of the Options window.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the total amount of discounts within the report’s time interval.
The range of the discounts included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all discounts from all checks within the system.
The range of discounts also depends upon the time range of the report. When you print a layout that includes a @{LABORCOST_ token, the POS prompts you to select a labor report time interval before generating the report. (Time intervals are defined in the POS Labor Report Time Interval Maintenance window.) If no labor report time intervals are defined, the POS will use the time range set in the POS Labor Cost area, on the Times tab of the Options window.
Support Documentation 81
Digital Dining Tokens
@{LABORCOST_LABOR_COST_PER_SALES} Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of the labor cost divided by the total sales (within the report’s time interval).
The range of the labor cost amount included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the labor cost from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the labor cost from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the labor cost from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all labor cost from all checks within the system.
The range of labor cost also depends upon the time range of the report. When you print a layout that includes a @{LABORCOST_ token, the POS prompts you to select a labor report time interval before generating the report. (Time intervals are defined in the POS Labor Report Time Interval Maintenance window.) If no labor report time intervals are defined, the POS will use the time range set in the POS Labor Cost area, on the Times tab of the Options window.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of covers within the report’s time interval.
The range of the covers included by the token depends on the selected time interval and the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes
82 Digital Dining Support Documentation
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all of the covers from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the covers from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the covers from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all covers from all checks within the system.
When you print a layout that includes a @{LABORCOST_ token, the POS prompts you to select a labor report time interval before generating the report. (Time intervals are defined in the POS Labor Report Time Interval Maintenance window.) If no labor report time intervals are defined, the POS will use the time range set in the POS Labor Cost area, on the Times tab of the Options window.
@{LABORCOST_NUMBER_OF_EMPLOYEES} Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of employees within the report’s time interval.
The range of the employees included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the employees from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the employees from checks associated with the register. In a System Report, the token includes all employees from all checks within the system.
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Digital Dining Tokens
The range of employees also depends upon the time range of the report. When you print a layout that includes a @{LABORCOST_ token, the POS prompts you to select a labor report time interval before generating the report. (Time intervals are defined in the POS Labor Report Time Interval Maintenance window.) If no labor report time intervals are defined, the POS will use the time range set in the POS Labor Cost area, on the Times tab of the Options window.
@{LABORCOST_OVERTIME_LABOR_HOURS} Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of overtime labor hours within the report’s time interval.
The range of overtime labor hours included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the overtime hours from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the overtime hours from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the overtime hours from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all overtime hours from all checks within the system.
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The range of overtime labor hours also depends upon the time range of the report. When you print a layout that includes a @{LABORCOST_ token, the POS prompts you to select a labor report time interval before generating the report. (Time intervals are defined in the POS Labor Report Time Interval Maintenance window.) If no labor report time intervals are defined, the POS will use the time range set in the POS Labor Cost area, on the Times tab of the Options window.
@{LABORCOST_REGULAR_LABOR_HOURS} Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of regular (non-overtime) labor hours within the report’s time interval.
The range of regular labor hours included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the regular hours from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the regular hours from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the regular hours from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all regular hours from all checks within the system.
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Digital Dining Tokens
The range of regular labor hours also depends upon the time range of the report. When you print a layout that includes a @{LABORCOST_ token, the POS prompts you to select a labor report time interval before generating the report. (Time intervals are defined in the POS Labor Report Time Interval Maintenance window.) If no labor report time intervals are defined, the POS will use the time range set in the POS Labor Cost area, on the Times tab of the Options window.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of sales of items associated with the Food, Beverage, and Other (FBO) menu main group types (within the report’s time interval).
The range of the FBO sales included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the FBO sales from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the FBO sales from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the FBO sales from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all FBO sales from all checks within the system.
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The range of FBO sales also depends upon the time range of the report. When you print a layout that includes a @{LABORCOST_ token, the POS prompts you to select a labor report time interval before generating the report. (Time intervals are defined in the POS Labor Report Time Interval Maintenance window.) If no labor report time intervals are defined, the POS will use the time range set in the POS Labor Cost area, on the Times tab of the Options window.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount of total sales divided by the number of covers (within the report’s time interval).
The range of sales included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all sales from all checks within the system.
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The range of sales also depends upon the time range of the report. When you print a layout that includes a @{LABORCOST_ token, the POS prompts you to select a labor report time interval before generating the report. (Time intervals are defined in the POS Labor Report Time Interval Maintenance window.) If no labor report time intervals are defined, the POS will use the time range set in the POS Labor Cost area, on the Times tab of the Options window.
@{LABORCOST_SALES_PER_LABOR_HOUR} Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of total sales divided by the total labor hours (within the report’s time interval).
The range of sales included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all sales from all checks within the system.
88 Digital Dining
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Digital Dining Tokens
The range of sales also depends upon the time range of the report. When you print a layout that includes a @{LABORCOST_ token, the POS prompts you to select a labor report time interval before generating the report. (Time intervals are defined in the POS Labor Report Time Interval Maintenance window.) If no labor report time intervals are defined, the POS will use the time range set in the POS Labor Cost area, on the Times tab of the Options window.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the time range of the labor cost report. When you print a layout that includes a @{LABORCOST_ token, the POS prompts you to select a labor report time interval. The @{LABORCOST_TIME_RANGE} will insert the time range of the selected time interval. (You can create time intervals in the POS Labor Report Time Interval Maintenance window, in the Misc menu of the Setup program.)
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Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total labor cost, as calculated by the total labor hours multiplied by the labor rate.
The range of total labor cost included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the labor cost from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the labor cost from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the labor cost from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all labor cost from all checks within the system.
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Digital Dining Tokens
The range of labor cost also depends upon the time range of the report. When you print a layout that includes a @{LABORCOST_ token, the POS prompts you to select a labor report time interval before generating the report. (Time intervals are defined in the POS Labor Report Time Interval Maintenance window.) If no labor report time intervals are defined, the POS will use the time range set in the POS Labor Cost area, on the Times tab of the Options window.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of labor hours (regular hours plus overtime hours) within the report’s time interval.
The range of total labor hours included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the labor hours from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the labor hours from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the labor hours from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all labor hours from all checks within the system.
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Digital Dining Tokens
The range of labor hours also depends upon the time range of the report. When you print a layout that includes a @{LABORCOST_ token, the POS prompts you to select a labor report time interval before generating the report. (Time intervals are defined in the POS Labor Report Time Interval Maintenance window.) If no labor report time intervals are defined, the POS will use the time range set in the POS Labor Cost area, on the Times tab of the Options window.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of labor sales within the report’s time interval.
The range of total sales included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all sales from all checks within the system.
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Digital Dining Tokens
The range of total sales also depends upon the time range of the report. When you print a layout that includes a @{LABORCOST_ token, the POS prompts you to select a labor report time interval before generating the report. (Time intervals are defined in the POS Labor Report Time Interval Maintenance window.) If no labor report time intervals are defined, the POS will use the time range set in the POS Labor Cost area, on the Times tab of the Options window.
Digital Dining
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total amount of charges for the current day.
The range of the charges included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the charges from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the charges from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the charges from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all charges from all checks within the system.
Support Documentation 93
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total amount of discounts for the current day.
The range of the discounts included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the discounts from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all discounts from all checks within the system.
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Digital Dining Tokens
@{LABORDAY_LABOR_COST_PER_SALES} Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of the labor cost divided by the total sales for the current day.
The range of the labor cost amount included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the labor cost from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the labor cost from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the labor cost from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all labor cost from all checks within the system.
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Digital Dining Tokens
96 Digital Dining
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of covers included for the current day.
The range of the covers included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the covers from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the covers from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the covers from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all covers from all checks within the system.
Support Documentation
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of employees within the current day.
The range of the employees included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the employees from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the employees from checks associated with the register. In a System Report, the token includes all employees from all checks within the system.
@{LABORDAY_OVERTIME_LABOR_HOURS} Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Digital Dining Tokens
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of overtime labor hours within the current day.
The range of overtime labor hours included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the overtime hours from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the overtime hours from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the overtime hours from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all overtime hours from all checks within the system.
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Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of regular (non-overtime) labor hours within the current day.
The range of regular labor hours included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the regular hours from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the regular hours from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the regular hours from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all regular hours from all checks within the system.
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Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of sales of items associated with the Food, Beverage, and Other (FBO) menu main group types for the current day.
The range of the FBO sales included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the FBO sales from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the FBO sales from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the FBO sales from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all FBO sales from all checks within the system.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount of total sales divided by the number of covers (within the current day).
The range of sales included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of
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the sales from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all sales from all checks within the system.
@{LABORDAY_SALES_PER_LABOR_HOUR} Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of total sales divided by the total labor hours (within the current day).
The range of sales included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all sales from all checks within the system.
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Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total labor cost, as calculated by the total labor hours multiplied by the labor rate, for the current day.
The range of total labor cost included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the labor cost from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the labor cost from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the labor cost from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all labor cost from all checks within the system.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of labor hours (regular hours plus overtime hours) for the current day.
The range of total labor hours included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the labor hours from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the labor hours from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the labor hours from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all labor hours from all checks within the system.
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Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of labor sales for the current day.
The range of total sales included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the sales from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all sales from all checks within the system.
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Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the check number of the customer’s most recent order. @{LAST_COMPLAINT_DATE}
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report Intended Use: Inserts the date of the customer’s last complaint.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the text in the Last Name box of the Customer Record Maintenance window.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the date of the customer’s last purchase. @{LEFT}
Digital Dining
Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts “@{LEFT}(,0)” and returns the leftmost number (the second parameter) of characters for a string (the first parameter). For example, @{LEFT}(“Monday”, 3)” returns “Mon”. You can use other tokens or plain text for the first parameter.
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Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts either “In” or “Out” on the printed output depending on whether the staff member is clocking in or out.
@{LOYALTY_NAME} Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: If the site uses a third-party loyalty service, this token inserts the name of the loyalty customer.
@{LOYALTY_NUMBER} Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: If the site uses a third-party loyalty service, this token inserts the member number of the loyalty customer. (The member number is the last six digits of membership card number.)
@{LOYALTY_POINTS} Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: If the site uses a third-party loyalty service, this token inserts a listing of the loyalty customer’s reward points, both earned and used.
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@{LOYALTY_REWARDS} Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: If the site uses a third-party loyalty service, this token inserts a listing of the customer’s available rewards (including those earned on the current check, excluding those used on the current check).
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number of menu items that your staff has sold that belong to the menu main group you have selected.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the details of the menu items that your staff have sold that belong to the menu main group you have selected. The details include the name of the menu item, total dollar amount sold, the quantity, and the percentage of the total sales that the dollar amount accounts for.
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Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of menu items that your staff has sold that belong to the menu main group you have selected.
@{MEMBER_ID} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Retrieves and inserts the ID number of the associated customer from the club package interface.
@{MEMBER_NAME} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Retrieves and inserts the name of the associated customer from the club package interface.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the text you have typed in the Search Name box of the Customer Record Maintenance window.
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@{MENU_USER_FIELD_} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Inserts the information from a specific user-definable field in a menu item’s record (as set in the in the Menu Item Maintenance window, on the User Fields tab) into a prep slip or check layout.
For instance, you may have defined a field labeled Sodium, allowing you to include the sodium count in certain menu item records. If you then added the @MENU_USER_FIELD_ token to a check layout and specified the Sodium field (“@MENU_USER_FIELD_Sodium”), the POS will insert the data from the Sodium field when it prints the check layout.
@{MENU_USER_FIELDS} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Inserts a list of the information from all of the user-definable fields in a menu item’s record (as set in the in the Menu Item Maintenance window, on the User Fields tab) into a prep slip or check layout. The token will include each field’s label and the value from the menu item record (if any).
@{MENUITEM_COUNT_}(1033) Layouts: Server Report
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Displays the quantity of the selected item sold by a server. Since the token displays only the numbers, you must enter the menu item name into the layout manually.
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@{MENUITEM_SALES_}(1033) Layouts: Server Report
Intended Use: Displays the total sales amount for the selected item sold by a server. Since the token displays only the numbers, you must enter the menu item name into the layout manually.
Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts “@{MID}(,0,0)”, which returns the middle characters from a starting position (the second parameter) for a length (the third parameter) for a string (the first parameter). For example, @{MID}(“Monday”, 3, 4) returns “nday” because it starts at position 3 (“n”) and is four characters long. You can use other tokens or plain text for the first parameter.
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@{MOBILEPAY_ID} Layouts: Checks
Intended Use: If the site supports a mobile payment system (such as Tabbedout or LevelUp), the @{MOBILEPAY_ID} token inserts the ID number of the customer’s mobile payment receipt in the check layout. You can use the @{MOBILEPAY_ID} token as a parameter of the @{QRCODE} token to insert a QR code in the check layout for the customer’s mobile payment ID number. Upon receiving the check, the customer can scan the QR code with a cell phone to validate the receipt and complete the transaction.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number of checks for 1) a staff member (Server or Cashier Report), 2) a register (Sales Report), 3) a profit center (Profit Center Report), or 4) the system (System Report).
Digital Dining
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
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Intended Use: Inserts the number of covers for 1) a staff member (Server or Cashier Report), 2) a register (Sales Report), 3) a profit center (Profit Center Report), or 4) the system (System Report).
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of all staff members and the number of covers on all checks they have opened (including the number of covers on checks they have closed).
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total sales from the restaurant from day one. That is, from the first day the restaurant opened for business, Digital Dining has been tracking the total sales for the restaurant, which is a figure that you cannot reset.
@{NUMBER_OF_COVERS} Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the number of covers from a check on the Authorization Slip.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the name of the special occasion associated with the customer. You can associate a customer with a special occasion by using the Occasions tab of the Customer Record Maintenance window. You can create new special occasions using the Special Occasion Maintenance window.
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@{OCSN_AGE_NUMERAL_1 THRU 6} Layouts: Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the age of the customer in numeral format (1, 2, 3, and so on) from the occasion you select.
@{OCSN_AGE_ORDINAL_1 THRU 6} Layouts: Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the age of the customer in ordinal format (for example, 1 becomes 1st, 2 become 2nd, and so on) from the occasion you select.
@{OCSN_AGE_ORDTEXT_1 THRU 6} Layouts: Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the age of the customer in ordinal text format (for example, 1 becomes first, 2 become second, and so on) from the occasion you select.
Layouts: Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the date (which you can set on the Occasions tab of the Customer Record Maintenance window) of an occasion that you select.
Layouts: Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the description of an occasion that you select. @{OCSN_LABEL_1 THRU 6}
Layouts: Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
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Intended Use: Inserts the label (that you can change/set using the Special Occasion Maintenance window) of an occasion that you select.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the text on the Memo tab of the Special Occasion Maintenance window for the occasion that you select.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all menu items that you have associated with the menu main group type “Beverage” that appeared on open checks. Typically, you will use the @{OPEN_BEVERAGE} token with the @{CLOSED_BEVERAGE} token to show the difference between closed and open “Beverage” menu main group type amounts.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all menu items that you have associated with the menu main group type “Food” that appeared on open checks. Typically, you will use the @{OPEN_FOOD} token with the @{CLOSED_FOOD} token to show the difference between closed and open “Food” menu main group type amounts.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all menu items that you have associated with the menu main group type “Other” that appeared on open checks. Typically, you will use the @{OPEN_OTHER} token with the @{CLOSED_OTHER} token to show the difference between closed and open “Other” menu main group type amounts.
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Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all menu items that appeared on open checks. Typically, you will use the @{CLOSED_TOTAL} token with the @{OPEN_TOTAL} token to show the difference between closed and open totals.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount minus discounts and charges for 1) a staff member (Server or Cashier Report), 2) a register (Sales Report), 3) a profit center (Profit Center Report), or 4) the system (System Report).
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of all open tables that includes the check number, the table number, and the amount of the check.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount for all open checks. @{ORD_READY_TIME}
Digital Dining
Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Inserts the current time plus the value you type in the Order Ready Time box on the Main tab of the Profit Center Maintenance window so that the time that gets printed on the prep ticket represents when the order should leave the kitchen.
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@{ORDER_CONSOLIDATE} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Consolidates all like items on a check (including their modifiers). If you use this token and the order has, let’s say 8 items on it that are exactly identical, then the prep ticket will print only one line for the menu items; this one line will be preceded by the number “8” to indicate how many of the menu items are requested. If the modifiers are not identical, then the items are not consolidated and they get printed on separate lines of the prep ticket.
114 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Intended Use: Consolidates all like items on a check, including their modifiers. Unlike the @{ORDER_CONSOLIDATE} token, however, the @{ORDER_CONSOLIDATE_MAIN} token consolidates items from multiple orders, even from orders whose modifiers are not identical. The program prints one line per item, preceded by a number indicating the total number of the item requested on the entire check.
Digital Dining Tokens
@{ORDER_CONSOLIDATE_MAIN} Layouts: Prep Ticket
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@{ORDER_DETAIL} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Lists all orders for the prep ticket completely.
@{ORDER_DETAIL_ALL} Layouts: Prep Ticket, Check
Intended Use: Inserts all menu items and modifiers ordered. @{ORDER_DETAIL_NATURAL}
Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Lists all orders for the prep ticket completely. Like the @{ORDER_DETAIL} token, the @{ORDER_DETAIL_NATURAL} token lists orders on a prep ticket. However, the @{ORDER_DETAIL_NATURAL} token
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differs from the @{ORDER_DETAIL} token in that it never displays modifiers as main items. In certain circumstances, if a prep ticket includes a modifier menu item with a modifier mode of Prep as Main Item or Use Own Prep Type, the modifier item can appear as a main item (that is, unindented) on the prep ticket. However, if you use the @{ORDER_DETAIL_NATURAL} token to list items on a prep ticket, the program will not indent modifiers, regardless of the item’s modifier mode.
@{ORDER_SUMMARY} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Inserts a count of like items on a check (the items do not have to be identical as they have to be with the @{ORDER_CONSOLIDATE} token).
@{ORDER_SUMMARY_ALL} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Digital Dining
Intended Use: The @{ORDER_SUMMARY_ALL} is similar to the @{ORDER_SUMMARY} token in that it inserts a list and count of like menu items on a check. However, the @{ORDER_SUMMARY_ALL} token differs from the @{ORDER_SUMMARY} token in that it inserts all the items on the check
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regardless of their prep type, whereas the @{ORDER_SUMMARY} only inserts items set to print at a specific prep printer.
@{ORDER_TOTAL} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Inserts a total dollar amount for all items ordered on the check without charges, discounts, taxes, and tips.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the quantity, description, and price of all menu items ordered on a check that you have associated with the main group type “Other”. The list of menu items that this token inserts is cumulative; that is, it includes all menu items on the check (not just the current order) belonging to that main group type.
@{OTHER_CASHIERS} Layouts: Cashier Report
Intended Use: Inserts a summary total of receipts that other cashiers put in the cash drawer.
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Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all menu items ordered on a report that you have associated with the main group type “Other”.
@{PAGE_BREAK} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Prints a new footer, then a new header, but does not cut the page, and prints the remaining text/tokens with a new header and footer.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Receipts, Server Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of each A/R paid in transaction that includes the time, the amount, and the server or cashier for the transaction.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Receipts, Server Report
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts a list of A/R paid in transactions by the manager who authorized the transaction.
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Layouts: Profit Center Report, Receipts, Server Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of paid in transactions for the current day.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of each Debitek paid in transaction that includes the time, the amount, and the server or cashier for the transaction.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
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Intended Use: Inserts a list of Debitek paid in transactions by the manager who authorized the transaction.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of Debitek paid in transactions for the current day.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of each gift certificate paid in transaction that includes the time, the amount, and the server or cashier for the transaction.
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Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of gift certificate paid in transactions by the manager who authorized the transaction.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of gift certificate A/R paid in transactions for the current day.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Insets the total dollar amount for all A/R, Debitek, and gift certificate paid in transactions.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
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Intended Use: Inserts a list of each paid out transaction by time, server or cashier, amount, and manager who authorized the transaction.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the A/R member’s account number for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Digital Dining
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of the payment for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
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Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the A/R member’s account name for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the A/R account member’s balance for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts dollar amount associated with menu items belonging to “Beverage” for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
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Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the ID number of the staff member for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the name of the staff member for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
@{PAYMENT_CD_SLIP} Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: The @{PAYMENT_CD_SLIP} token adds the full text of the transaction’s Authorization Slip (if a Authorization Slip was printed earlier) to the receipt. To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Digital Dining
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of the charge for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all
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@{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the check number for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number of payments, which includes change but not tips, used the close the check for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the credit card number used to pay check for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
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Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the type of currency you use to pay a check for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of the discount for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Digital Dining
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts dollar amount associated with menu items belonging to “Food” for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
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Digital Dining Tokens
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount of a gift certificate’s available balance. @{PAYMENT_GIFT_CERT_ID}
Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the ID number of a gift certificate.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the DMS, AR, or vanguard member account number and last name for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
128 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Checks, Receipts, Server Report, Cashier Report, Profit Center Report,
Digital Dining
System Report, Sales Report
Intended Use: The @{PAYMENT_LOOP} token signifies the start of a payment loop. The program will select the first of the payments in the report and use that payment as the source for any payment detail tokens that follow, such as @{PAYMENT_CHECK_NO}, @{PAYMENT_NAME}, or @{PAYMENT_AMOUNT}.
The program will use the selected payment as a source for all payment tokens until it reads the @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token. The @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token designates the end of the payment loop. When the program reaches the @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token, it will select the next payment in the report, loop back to the {PAYMENT_LOOP} token, and print the payment details again using the next payment as the source. The program will repeat the payment loop for each payment in the report, and then proceed from the @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
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The set of payments that the POS includes in the payment loop depends on the type of layout that the POS is printing. In a check or receipt layout, the POS will cycle through the payments on the check. In a Cashier or Server Report layout, the POS will cycle through the payments of all checks for the staff member. In a Sales Report layout, the POS will cycle through the payments in all checks for the register. In a Profit Center Report layout, the POS will cycle through the payments in all checks in the profit center. In a System Report layout, the POS will cycle through the payments of all checks in the system.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the DMS or vanguard member name for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the name(s) you have associated with person number(s). The @{PSNNUM_NAMES} token only works if all the names are A/R names; they cannot be names that a staff member types at the POS.
130 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Checks, Receipts, Server Report, Cashier Report, Profit Center Report,
System Report, Sales Report
Intended Use: The @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token designates the end of a payment loop, which is started by a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} token or @{PAYMENT_VOID_LOOP} token. Upon reading the @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token, the POS will return to the preceding @{PAYMENT_LOOP} token (or @{PAYMENT_VOID_LOOP} token) and print the details of the next payment in the report, or (if there are no more payments in the report) proceed from the @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token and print the subsequent content of the layout.
The set of payments that the POS includes in the payment loop depends on the type of layout that the POS is printing. In a check or receipt layout, the POS will cycle through the payments on the check. In a Cashier or Server Report layout, the POS will cycle through the payments of all checks for the staff member. In a Sales Report layout, the POS will cycle through the payments in all checks for the register. In a Profit Center Report layout, the POS will cycle through the payments in all checks in the profit center. In a System Report layout, the POS will cycle through the payments of all checks in the system.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the index position of the payment. For example, if you pay a check three ways (in order of Visa, Check, Cash), then Visa is index position 1, Check is index position 2, and Cash is index position 3; Change (if there is any) will increase the number and will be the last index position. The @{PAYMENT_NUMBER} token inserts the index position of the payment for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Digital Dining
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Support Documentation 131
Digital Dining Tokens
Intended Use: Inserts dollar amount associated with menu items belonging to “Other” for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the name of the profit center for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the type of receipt(s) used to close the check for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the ID number of the staff member for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
132 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the name of the staff member for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the table number for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount of taxes for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Digital Dining
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Support Documentation 133
Digital Dining Tokens
Intended Use: Inserts the time the check was paid for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the amount of tip (if any) for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the type of transaction (for example, “Payment”, “A/R Paid In”, “Debitek Paid In”, and so on).
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Receipts, Sales Report, Server
Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts “No Verification” if the staff member pays with a receipt type that does not require a verification. However, if the receipt type requires a verification, then the @{PAYMENT_VERIFICATION} token inserts the text from the Verification list on the Main tab of the Receipt Window Maintenance window. The @{PAYMENT_VERIFICATION} token will insert this text for 1) the current check (Receipt), 2) all checks for the staff member (Cashier or Server Report), 3) all checks for the register (Sales Report), 4) all checks in the profit center (Profit Center Report), or 5) all checks in the system (System Report). To work as intended, all @{PAYMENT_} tokens should appear between a @{PAYMENT_LOOP} and @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
134 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Checks, Receipts, Server Report, Cashier Report, Profit Center Report,
System Report, Sales Report
Intended Use: The @{PAYMENT_VOID_LOOP} token signifies the start of a payment void loop. The program will select the first of the voided payments in the report and use that payment as the source for any payment detail tokens that follow, such as @{PAYMENT_CHECK_NO}, @{PAYMENT_NAME}, or @{PAYMENT_AMOUNT}.
The @{PAYMENT_VOID_LOOP} token functions exactly like the @{PAYMENT_LOOP} token, except that it only selects voided payments, whereas the @{PAYMENT_LOOP} token selects any payments (voided or not voided).
The program will use the selected payment as a source for all payment tokens until it reads the @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token. The @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token designates the end of the payment void loop. When the program reaches the @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token, it will select the next payment in the report, loop back to the @{PAYMENT_VOID_LOOP} token, and print the payment details again using the next payment as the source. The program will repeat the payment loop for each payment in the report, and then proceed from the @{PAYMENT_NEXT} token.
The set of payments that the POS includes in the payment void loop depends on the type of layout that the POS is printing. In a check or receipt layout, the POS will cycle through the payments on the check. In a Cashier or Server Report layout, the POS will cycle through the payments of all checks for the staff member. In a Sales Report layout, the POS will cycle through the payments in all checks for the register. In a Profit Center Report layout, the POS will cycle through the payments in all checks in the profit center. In a System Report layout, the POS will cycle through the payments of all checks in the system.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all paid out transactions.
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Digital Dining Tokens
@{PERIOD_END} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the date that the current period ends. @{PERIOD_START}
Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the date that the current period starts.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts an hourly sales figures, broken down by Sales Type, Main Group, Main Type and dollar amounts.
@{PERSON_NO} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Inserts the person number associated with the menu item ordered. @{PERSON_NUMBER}
Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the person number associated with paying by credit card.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the text from the Memo tab of the Frequent Dining Plan Maintenance window associated with the plan linked to the customer.
136 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the points a Frequent Diner/Delivery customer needs to receive a coupon/reward. The points a customer needs is equal to the value in the Level box on the Main tab of the Frequent Dining Plan Maintenance window minus the value in the FD Points box [Available area] on the Main tab of the Customer Record Maintenance window)
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the text from the POS Message box on the Messages tab of the Customer Record Maintenance window.
@{PREP_GROUP_BY_COURSE} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Groups menu items by course on the prep ticket. When you send the order, the program prints the entire order on one prep ticket grouped by course.
@{PREP_GROUP_BY_NONE} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Stops grouping menu items that was started with the @{PREP_GROUP_BY_PRSNUM} token. When you use the
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@{PREP_GROUP_BY_NONE} token, the POS will print the menu items (represented by the remaining tokens in the layout) in the order in which they were ordered.
@{PREP_GROUP_BY_PRSNUM} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Starts grouping menu items (represented by subsequent tokens in the layout) by the person number of the customer who ordered the menu items. To stop grouping menu items by the person number, use the @{PREP_GROUP_BY_NONE} token.
@{PREP_LABEL_COUNT} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: If you have multiple occurrences of the same menu item on a prep ticket, you can use the @{PREP_LABEL_COUNT} and @{PREP_LABEL_NUMBER} tokens to insert a sequence number and a total number for the items. For instance, if you order three identical menu items (such as pizzas), the @{PREP_LABEL_COUNT} token can insert the sequence number of each item, and the @{PREP_LABEL_NUMBER} token can insert the total number of items. Together, they can display the sequence of each menu item within the total, such as “1 of 3”, “2 of 3”, and “3 of 3”. The @{PREP_LABEL_COUNT} token represents the sequence count, and the @{PREP_LABEL_NUMBER} token represents the total number.
138 Digital Dining Support Documentation
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@{PREP_LABEL_NUMBER} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: If you have multiple occurrences of the same menu item on a prep ticket, you can use the @{PREP_LABEL_COUNT} and @{PREP_LABEL_NUMBER} tokens to insert a sequence number and a total number for the items. For instance, if you order three identical menu items (such as pizzas), the @{PREP_LABEL_COUNT} token can insert the sequence number of each item, and the @{PREP_LABEL_NUMBER} token can insert the total number of items. Together, they can display the sequence of each menu item within the total, such as “1 of 3”, “2 of 3”, and “3 of 3”. The @{PREP_LABEL_COUNT} token represents the sequence count, and the @{PREP_LABEL_NUMBER} token represents the total number.
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the estimated time (in minutes) until the order is ready. You can use this feature for to-go orders.
Support Documentation 139
Digital Dining Tokens
@{PREP_PRINTER_NAME} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Some restaurants print multiple prep tickets from one printer and distribute them to different prep areas in the kitchen. The @{PREP_PRINTER_NAME} token inserts the short description of the printer location associated with the prep printer definition, allowing the prep tickets to be labeled as hot, cold, pantry, and so on.
@{PREP_SUMMARY_ALL} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Inserts a list of all the prep types used in all of the menu items on the prep ticket.
@{PREP_TYPE} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Inserts a list of the prep types for the menu items on the current check.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the quantity or count of sales for the prep type you select. You can select any prep type that you have defined with Menu Prep Type Maintenance window.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of sales for the prep type you select. You can select any prep type that you have defined with Menu Prep Type Maintenance window.
140 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Intended Use: Inserts the menu items in the print order you specify. If you are using print order for your prep types, then you must use the print order token on the prep ticket.
@{PROFIT_CENTER_DESC} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts the long description of the profit center from which the order started.
@{PROFIT_CENTER_ID} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts the number of the profit center from which the order started. The profit center you create first will get the number “1”, the next profit center you create will be “2”, and so on for all the profit centers you create.
Digital Dining Tokens
@{PRINT_ORDER_1 THRU 10} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Digital Dining Support Documentation 141
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total amount of sales by profit center for 1) the system (System Report), 2) a register (Sales Report), 3) a Profit Center (Profit Center Report), or 4) an individual staff member (Server Report).
Layouts: Server Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number of checks associated with the profit center that you select. You can select any profit center that you have defined with Profit Center Maintenance window.
Layouts: Server Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the count of menu items sold within the profit center that you select. You can select any profit center that you have defined with Profit Center Maintenance window.
142 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Server Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of covers from all checks associated with the profit center that you select. You can select any profit center that you have defined with Profit Center Maintenance window.
Layouts: Server Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the amount of sales for menu items purchased within the profit center that you select. You can select any profit center that you have defined with Profit Center Maintenance window.
Layouts: Server Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the amount of sales for menu items ordered (but not necessarily purchased) within the profit center that you select. You can select any profit center that you have defined with Profit Center Maintenance window.
In certain circumstances, a server might open a check and order items within one profit center, but close the check in a different profit center. If a site requires a Profit Center Report that differentiates sales between where orders originate and where they are closed, you can use the @{PROFITCENTER_SALESORIGIN_} token as an alternative to the @{PROFITCENTER_SALES_} token. You can use the @{PROFITCENTER_SALES_} token to include the sales totals of orders that are paid and closed within a profit center. In contrast, you can use the @{PROFITCENTER_SALESORIGIN_} token to include the sales totals of orders that originate within a profit center (that is, the profit center where items are added to a check).
@{PSNNUM_NAMES} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the name(s) you have associated with person number(s). The @{PSNNUM_NAMES} token only works if all the names are A/R names; they cannot be names that a staff member types at the POS.
Support Documentation 143
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number of complaints for the current period from the customer.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number of menu items purchased by this customer for the current period.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number of purchases (that is, checks opened) by this customer for the current period.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of purchases by this customer for the current period.
@{QRCODE} Layouts: Checks
Intended Use: The @{QRCODE} token can convert a string of text into a QR code and insert the code into a check layout. You can use the token to include a QR code for a defined number or text string, which customers can scan with properly enabled mobile phones.
The token includes one parameter that allows you to specify the text or number that will be converted into a QR code. In the parameter, you can type a text string (such as an IP address) in quotations after the token, and the program will convert the text
144 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
into a QR code. For example, if you add this token to a layout, the program will insert a QR code that, when scanned, will access the Digital Dining webpage:
You can also use other tokens as a parameter, and the program will convert the token’s value into a QR code. For instance, you can also use the @{QRCODE} token to add a QR code for a mobile payment ID number. If the site supports a mobile payment system (such as Tabbedout or LevelUp) and a customer pays a check with a mobile payment receipt, you can use the @{QRCODE} token with the @{MOBILEPAY_ID} as the parameter to insert a QR code for the customer’s mobile payment ID number in the check:
@{RECEIPT_DETAIL} Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the amount and the type of receipt (for example, Cash, Visa, AMEX) that a customer used to pay the associated check.
Digital Dining
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Support Documentation 145
Digital Dining Tokens
Intended Use: Inserts the details of all drops (server, blind, and/or implied drops) performed, including the name of each staff member who performed each drop and the time of each drop was performed.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of a drop (server, blind, and/or implied drops) that a staff member receives.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of a drop (server, blind, and/or implied drops) that a staff member “gives.”
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount totals for each staff member who made a drop (server, blind, and/or implied drops).
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of drops (server, blind, and/or implied drops), which will be positive or negative depending on whether the staff member receives more drops or gave more drops.
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@{RECEIPT_INPUT_DETAILS} Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the text a staff member types as paying with a receipt whose Enter Details check box (on the Misc tab of the Receipts Window Maintenance window) is selected.
@{RECEIPT_TIP_REFUND} Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount of a refunded tip. @{RECEIPT_TIP_TOTAL}
Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the total amount of a tip for a check.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
Digital Dining
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of all payment transactions broken down by time and receipt type.
Support Documentation 147
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of all payment transactions broken down by cashier.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of sales – less any discounts, charges, tips, fees, drops, transfers, paid outs, or server banks – for the current shift.
The range of the receipts included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the receipts from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the receipts from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the receipts from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all receipts from all checks within the system.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts each receipt by its time for all receipts for 1) a staff member (Server or Cashier Report), 2) a register (Sales Report), 3) a profit center (Profit Center Report), or 4) the system (System Report).
148 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of receipts – minus the receipts associated with cash – during the current shift. The range of the receipts included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the receipts from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the receipts from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the receipts from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all receipts from all checks within the system.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of all receipts during the current shift.
The range of the receipts included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the receipts from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the receipts from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the receipts from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all receipts from all checks within the system.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
Digital Dining
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount for all receipts during the current shift. The range of the receipts included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the receipts from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the receipts from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the receipts from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all receipts from all checks within the system.
Support Documentation 149
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all receipt types whose Turned In Receipt check box (on the Main tab of the Receipts Window Maintenance window) is selected.
Layouts: Server Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the count of menu items sold associated with the receipt type that you select. You can select any receipt type that you have defined with Receipt Definition Maintenance window.
Layouts: Server Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the amount of sales for the menu items purchased with the receipt type that you select. You can select any receipt type that you have defined with Receipt Definition Maintenance window.
150 Digital Dining Support Documentation
Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Server Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the server’s total amount of tips in the selected receipt type.
@{RED_OFF} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Sends the standard codes you have inserted in the Red Off boxes on the STD Codes tab of the Device Type Maintenance window. These standard
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codes (which you can get from your printer manual) will turn off red printing (if it is turned on).
@{RED_ON} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Sends the standard codes you have inserted in the Red On boxes on the STD Codes tab of the Device Type Maintenance window. These standard codes (which you can get from your printer manual) will make the following text or tokens print in red until you use the @{RED_OFF} token to return to normal black printing.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts a summary of the refunds performed by the staff member, including the total number of refunds and the total dollar amount of the refunds.
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@{REGISTER_DESC} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts the text from the Register ID box on the Main tab of the Register Definition Maintenance window for the associated register.
@{REGISTER_ID} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts the number of the register for the associated register. The register you create first will get the number “1”, the next register you create will be “2”, and so on for all the registers you create.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all transactions initiated on the associated register.
Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Allows you to type text that will not appear on the printed output of the resulting layout. Typically, you will use the @{REM} (REM stands for remark) to type text that will remind you how you wanted to use the current layout. The @{REM} token is not a toggle (meaning that you do not turn it on and off) token like @{RED_ON} and @{RED_OFF}; it must precede each line that you do not want printed.
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@{REQUEST_STATUS} Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the text (approved or declined) of the credit card verification result.
@{RESET_CASHIER} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: During clock out the @{RESET_CASHIER} token will prompt staff members if they want to reset their sales totals. You can protect this functionality using password protection on the Reset Cashier Report register option.
@{RESET_SERVER} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: During clock out the @{RESET_SERVER} token will prompt staff members if they want to reset their sales totals. You can protect this functionality using password protection on the Reset Server Report register option.
@{RESPONSE_TEXT} Layouts: Authorization Slip Layouts
Intended Use: For sites using EMV transport types, the token inserts the unformatted text of EMV transaction information received from an EMV device.
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The information received from an EMV device typically includes the Tip line, the Total line, and other basic information about the transaction.
@{RESTAURANT_ADDR} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts the restaurant’s street address from the Street Address box on the Restaurant tab of the Options window.
@{RESTAURANT_CITY} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts the restaurant’s city from the City State ZIP box on the Restaurant tab of the Options window.
@{RESTAURANT_ID} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts the restaurant’s identification number from the Identifier box on the Restaurant tab of the Options window.
@{RESTAURANT_NAME} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts the restaurant’s name, as it appears in the Name area on the Restaurant tab of the Options window. You type the name that appears here when you first load the Digital Dining software.
@{RESTAURANT_STATE} Layouts: All Layouts
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Intended Use: Inserts the restaurant’s state from the City State ZIP box on the Restaurant tab of the Options window.
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@{RESTAURANT_PHONE} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts the restaurant’s telephone number from the Phone box on the Restaurant tab of the Options window.
@{RESTAURANT_ZIP} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts the restaurant’s ZIP code from the City State ZIP box on the Restaurant tab of the Options window.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number that appears in the Amount box on the Main tab of the Frequent Dining Plan Maintenance window.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number that appears in the Convert box on the Main tab of the Frequent Dining Plan Maintenance window.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number that appears in the Cost box on the Main tab of the Frequent Dining Plan Maintenance window.
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Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the text that appears in the Reward box on the Main tab of the Frequent Dining Plan Maintenance window.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number that appears in the Level box on the Main tab of the Frequent Dining Plan Maintenance window.
Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts “@{RIGHT}(,0)” and returns the rightmost number (the second parameter) of characters for a string (the first parameter). For example, @{RIGHT}(“Monday”, 3)” returns “day”. You can use other tokens or plain text for the first parameter.
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Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of sales by one or each profit center for that day.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of sales by one or each register for that day.
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Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of sales by each sales type for that day.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Displays a list of all servers currently clocked in and each server’s average sales of items included in the sales contest (if any).
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of sales for that day. @{SALES_TOTAL_IRS8027}
Layouts: Cashier Report, Server Report, Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of sales for that day. The total will
include the sales of menu items from all checks, both with and without tip amounts.
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You can use this token to create a version of the IRS8027 Time and Attendance Report in POS Cashier Reports, Server Reports, and Time Clock Slips.
@{SALES_TOTAL_IRS8027_NONTIPPED} Layouts: Cashier Report, Server Report, Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of nontipped sales for that day. The total will include the sales of menu items from all checks not associated with tip amounts. You can use this token to create a version of the IRS8027 Time and Attendance Report in POS Cashier Reports, Server Reports, and Time Clock Slips.
@{SALES_TOTAL_IRS8027_TIPPED} Layouts: Cashier Report, Server Report, Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of tipped sales for that day. The total will include the sales of menu items from all checks that include tip amounts. You can use this token to create a version of the IRS8027 Time and Attendance Report in POS Cashier Reports, Server Reports, and Time Clock Slips.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount that totals all sales types sales.
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Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number of menu items sold associated with the sales type that you select.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the amount of sales for the menu items sold associated with the sales type that you select.
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@{SCHEDULE_CURRENT} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the staff member’s work schedule for the current week. @{SCHEDULE_NEXT}
Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the staff member’s work schedule for the upcoming week.
@{SCHEDULE_OPEN_END} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: The @{SCHEDULE_OPEN_END} token influences the behavior of the @{SCHEDULE_CURRENT} and @{SCHEDULE_NEXT} tokens.
If you include the @{SCHEDULE_OPEN_END} token with the @{SCHEDULE_CURRENT} token, the program will insert the staff member’s work schedule for the current week with each shift’s opening time, but not the closing time.
Likewise, if you include the @{SCHEDULE_OPEN_END} token with the @{SCHEDULE_NEXT} token, the program will insert the staff member’s work schedule for the current week with each shift’s opening time, but not the closing time.
@{SCHEDULE_SHOW_END} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: The token inserts the opening time and the closing time of the staff member’s shift.
Intended Use: The @{SCHEDULE_OPEN_END} token influences the behavior of the @{SCHEDULE_CURRENT} and @{SCHEDULE_NEXT} tokens.
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If you include the @{SCHEDULE_OPEN_END} token with the @{SCHEDULE_CURRENT} token, the program will insert the staff member’s work schedule for the next week with each shift’s opening time and closing time.
Likewise, if you include the @{SCHEDULE_OPEN_END} token with the @{SCHEDULE_NEXT} token, the program will insert the staff member’s work schedule for the next week with each shift’s opening time and closing time.
@{SCHEDULE_USE_RULE} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: The @{SCHEDULE_USE_RULE} token influences the behavior of the @{SCHEDULE_CURRENT} and @{SCHEDULE_NEXT} tokens.
If you include the @{SCHEDULE_USE_RULE} token with the @{SCHEDULE_CURRENT} token, the program will insert the staff member’s work schedule for the current week with each shift’s opening time and apply the shift rule (if any) associated with the staff member’s labor post.
For instance, the staff member’s labor post might be associated with a shift rule that has the Clock In check box selected and the Clock Out check box cleared. In such a case, the @{SCHEDULE_CURRENT} and @{SCHEDULE_USE_RULE} tokens would include the opening shift times but not the closing shift times.
Likewise, if you include the @{SCHEDULE_USE_RULE} token with the @{SCHEDULE_NEXT} token, the program will insert the staff member’s work schedule for the next week with each shift’s opening time and apply the shift rule (if any) associated with the staff member’s labor post.
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@{SELECT_BEGIN} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Tells the system that the layout uses select tokens.
@{SELECT_CASE} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Identifies the situations/criteria that you want the layout to test. The select tokens do not evaluate every @{SELECT_CASE} token; instead, the @{SELECT_CASE} tokens find the first case that is true and prints the subsequent tokens and text up to the next @{SELECT_CASE} token or the @{SELECT_END} token. Once one case is found to be true and the tokens/text gets printed, the tokens jump to the @{SELECT_END} token, thereby skipping any intervening tokens/text.
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@{SELECT_END} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Tells the system that the select case decision structure is complete.
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Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of money given to a server through the Server Bank register option.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the details of any server and drops (server and/or blind drops) performed, including the name of each staff member who performed each drop and the time of each drop was performed.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of a drop (server and/or blind drops) that a staff member receives.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of a drop (server and/or blind drops) that a staff member “gives.”
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount totals for each staff member who made a drop (server and/or blind drops).
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Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of a drop (server and/or blind drops), which will be positive or negative depending on whether the staff member receives more drops or gave more drops.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Check, Authorization Slip, Profit Center Report, Prep
Ticket, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the ID number of the staff member associated with the transaction or the report.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Check, Authorization Slip, Profit Center Report, Prep
Ticket, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the name of the staff member associated with the transaction or the report.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all sales performed during the current shift. The range of the sales included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all sales from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all sales from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all sales from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all sales from all checks within the system.
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@{SKIP_BLANK} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Tests the token immediately following it; the subsequent token must be a token that returns text (not a number). If the subsequent token returns no text, then the layout jumps to the @{SKIP_END} token. If the subsequent token returns some text (for example, an account member’s name), then the layout prints the tokens and text following the @{SKIP_BLANK} token.
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@{SKIP_END} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Marks the position a @{SKIP_} token will jump to.
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Jumps to the @{SKIP_END} token if the condition the token evaluates is true. (You must include the evaluated condition in parentheses immediately following the @{SKIP_IF} token.) If the condition that the @{SKIP_IF} token evaluates is false, then the layout prints the tokens and text following the @{SKIP_IF} token. If you want to evaluate a token that returns text, then you must place an apostrophe (single quotation mark) around the token and the text you want to test (see the example below).
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Layouts: All Layouts
Digital Dining Tokens
@{SKIP_NO} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Jumps to the @{SKIP_END} token if the staff member responds “No” to the prompt at the POS. If the staff member responds “Yes” to the prompt at the POS, then the layout prints the tokens and text following the @{SKIP_NO} token.
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Intended Use: Tests the token immediately following it; the subsequent token must be a token that returns text (not a number). If the subsequent token returns some text (for example, an account member’s name), then the layout jumps to the @{SKIP_END} token. If the subsequent token returns no text, then the layout prints the tokens and text following the @{SKIP_NOTBLANK} token.
@{SKIP_NOTBLANK} Layouts: All Layouts
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@{SKIP_NOTZERO} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Tests the token immediately following it; the subsequent token must be a token that returns a number (not text). If the subsequent token returns a value other than zero, then the layout jumps to the @{SKIP_END} token. If the subsequent token returns a value of zero, then the layout prints the tokens and text following the @{SKIP_NOTZERO} token.
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@{SKIP_YES} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Jumps to the @{SKIP_END} token if the staff member responds “Yes” to the prompt at the POS. If the staff member responds “No” to the prompt at the POS, then the layout prints the tokens and text following the @{SKIP_YES} token.
@{SKIP_ZERO} Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Tests the token immediately following it; the subsequent token must be a token that returns a number (not text). If the subsequent token returns a value of zero, then the layout jumps to the @{SKIP_END} token. If the subsequent token returns a value other than zero, then the layout prints the tokens and text following the @{SKIP_ZERO} token.
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Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the label of the special interest that you select for the associated customer. You can change the text of the special interest using the Special Interest Maintenance window.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the label for the special interest that is set as primary for the associated customer. You can set or change the primary special interest for any customer on the Interests tab of the Customer Record Maintenance window.
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Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the text on the Memo tab (of the Special Interest Maintenance window) of the primary special interest for the associated customer.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the text on the Memo tab (of the Special Interest Maintenance window) of the special interest that you select for the associated customer.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of all special items ordered during the current shift. For each special item, the token includes the check number and the price of the item. The range of the special items included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the special items from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the special items from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the special items from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all special items from all checks within the system.
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Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of all special items ordered during the current shift. The range of the special items included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the special items from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the special items from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the special items from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all special items from all checks within the system.
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Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount for all special items ordered during the current shift. The range of the special items included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the special items from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the special items from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the special items from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all special items from all checks within the system.
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the ID number of the staff member associated with the transaction.
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the name of the staff member associated with the transaction.
@{STAFF_POS_NAME} Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the text that appears in the POS Name box on the Main tab of the Staff Member Maintenance window.
Layouts: Server Report, Profit Center Report, System Report, Sales Report
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Intended Use: Inserts a list of staff members with sales. The list includes each staff member’s open sales, closed sales, and total sales. The program will group the staff members in the list by staff department.
@{STARTING_CASH} Layouts: Cashier Report
Intended Use: Inserts the cash drawer’s starting Cash amount, as entered by the cashier.
@{STARTING_TIME} Layouts: Cashier Report
Intended Use: Inserts the time when the cashier entered the starting cash amount for the cash drawer.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: For the current customer, the @{STATE} token inserts the text you have typed in the State box on the Main tab of the Customer Record Maintenance window.
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Inserts the server’s station number to a layout. @{TAB_NO}
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the table number associated with the transaction or check.
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Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all taxes collected for that day.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all taxes collected for that day that are associated with tax rate 1.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all taxes collected for that day that are associated with tax rate 2.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all taxes collected for that day that are associated with tax rate 3.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
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System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all taxes collected for that day that are associated with tax rate 4.
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@{TAXABLE_TOTAL_0} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all nontaxable sales. @{TAXABLE_TOTAL_1}
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all taxable sales belonging to tax
rate 1.
@{TAXABLE_TOTAL_2} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all taxable sales belonging to tax rate 2.
@{TAXABLE_TOTAL_3} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all taxable sales belonging to tax rate 3.
@{TAXABLE_TOTAL_4} Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all taxable sales belonging to tax rate 4.
@{TEST_TOKENS_} Layouts: All Layouts
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Intended Use: By including this token in a layout and viewing the layout in a preview window, the program will display a list of all the tokens in the program and their values, if any.
Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts the current time, which it retrieves from the computer system. The format of the time (for example, whether it’s 8:15 am or 08:15 am) depends on how you format the time to appear to your system. That is, you can change how the time appears in your printed layout by changing the selection from the Time Style and Time Separator lists on the Time tab of the Regional Settings Properties dialog box (which you can access through the Control Panel).
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the time that a check was closed. @{TIME_DELIVERY}
Digital Dining
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the latest time a delivery order should be delivered to a customer. The @{TIME_DELIVERY} token must be used with a check option that uses the Set Delivery Time check option function. When you add the Set Delivery Time check option function to a check option, you can choose either a default time or have the POS prompt the staff member. The @{TIME_DELIVERY} token calculates the latest time based on the time the check is opened (current time) plus 1)
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the default time you set when create the new check option OR 2) the time the staff member enters when prompted at the POS.
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the time that a driver was assigned to a check. @{TIME_OPEN}
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts Intended Use: Inserts the time that a check was opened.
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the time that the last order for the check was placed. @{TIME_PREP}
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the time that appears in the Prep Time (minutes) box on
the Main tab of the Menu Prep Type Maintenance window. @{TIME_PRINT}
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the time the check, authorization slip, prep ticket, or receipt
was printed.
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
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Intended Use: Inserts the value that appears in the Order Ready Time box on the Main tab of the Profit Center Maintenance window plus the time the check was ordered.
@{TIME_TO_BE_READY} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: For future orders, this token inserts the time (in hours and minutes) when the order should be ready.
@{TIME_TO_START_PREP} Layouts: Prep Ticket
Intended Use: For future orders, this token inserts the time (in hours and minutes) when kitchen staff should start preparing the order.
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts a calculation (ten percent of the check total). @{TIP_15_PERCENT}
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts a calculation (fifteen percent of the check total).
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts a calculation (twenty percent of the check total).
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Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the actual tip recorded for the associated check. @{TIP_EXPECT}
Layouts: Check, Authorization Slip, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the expected tip using the Tips check option function.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts each tip paid out by a cashier or server.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts each tip paid out by a cashier or server, including each tip transaction’s check number, receipt amount, and tip amount. Unlike the @{TIPS_AUDIT} token, the @{TIPS_AUDIT_TIPRECEIPTS} token only includes receipts that have a tip mode of Tip (as set in the Tip Mode list on the Main tab of the Receipts Definition Maintenance window). It excludes charge and gift certificate tips.
@{TIPS_CHARGE_FEES_DAY} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Displays the total of credit card fees on the server’s charge tips for the day.
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@{TIPS_CHARGE_FEES_PERIOD} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Displays the total of credit card fees on the server’s charge tips for the period-to-date.
@{TIPS_CHARGE_FEES_SHIFT} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Displays total of credit card fees on the server’s charge tips for the shift.
@{TIPS_CHARGE_GIVEN} Layouts: Server Report, Cashier Report
Intended Use: Displays the amount of charged tips a server gave to other staff members.
@{TIPS_CHARGE_RECEIVE} Layouts: Server Report, Cashier Report
Intended Use: Displays the amount of charged tips a server received in cash from the cashier or bartender.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total amount of charged tips that the cashier owes each server.
Digital Dining Tokens
@{TIPS_CHARGED_DAY} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
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Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of charged tips for the current day, which starts with the creation of new daily files.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of charged tips that the cashier has paid out to other staff members during the current pay period.
@{TIPS_CHARGED_PERIOD} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of charged tips for the current pay period.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of all charged tip transactions in the current shift. The range of the tips included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all tips from all checks within the system.
@{TIPS_CHARGED_SHIFT} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of charged tips for the current shift.
186 Digital Dining Support Documentation
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Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all charged tip transactions in the current shift. The range of the tips included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all tips from all checks within the system.
@{TIPS_DECLARED_DAY} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of declared tips for the current day, which starts with the creation of new daily files.
@{TIPS_DECLARED_PERIOD} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of declared tips for the current pay period.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
Digital Dining
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of all declared tip transactions in the current shift. The range of the tips included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all tips from all checks within the system.
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@{TIPS_DECLARED_SHIFT} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of declared tips for the current shift. @{TIPS_DECLARED_TOTAL}
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all declared tip transactions in the current shift. The range of the tips included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all tips from all checks within the system.
Layouts: Time Clock Slip, Server Report, Cashier Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of tips that the staff member has given to other staff members during the current day, which starts with the creation of new daily files. The token also inserts a line for the staff member’s signature.
Layouts: Time Clock Slip, Server Report, Cashier Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of tips that the staff member has given to other staff members during the current pay period. The token also inserts a line for the staff member’s signature.
Layouts: Time Clock Slip, Server Report, Cashier Report
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Intended Use: Inserts a list of tips that the staff member has given to other staff members during the current shift. The token also inserts a line for the staff member’s signature.
Layouts: Time Clock Slip, Server Report, Cashier Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of tips given by the staff member to other staff members during the current day, which starts with the creation of new daily files.
Layouts: Time Clock Slip, Server Report, Cashier Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of tips given by the staff member to other staff members during the current pay period.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of all given tip transactions in the current shift. The range of the tips included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all tips from all checks within the system.
@{TIPS_GIVEN_SHIFT} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of tips given by the staff member to other staff members during the current shift.
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Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all given tip transactions in the current shift. The range of the tips included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all tips from all checks within the system.
Layouts: Time Clock Slip, Server Report, Cashier Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of tips that the staff member has received from other staff members during the current day, which starts with the creation of new daily files. The token also inserts a line for the staff member’s signature.
@{TIPS_RECEIVED_AUDIT_PERIOD} Layouts: Time Clock Slip, Server Report, Cashier Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of tips that the staff member has received from other staff members during the current pay period. The token also inserts a line for the staff member’s signature.
@{TIPS_RECEIVED_AUDIT_SHIFT} Layouts: Time Clock Slip, Server Report, Cashier Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of tips that the staff member has received from other staff members during the current shift. The token also inserts a line for the staff member’s signature.
@{TIPS_RECEIVED_DAY} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
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Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of tips received by the staff member from other staff members during the current day, which starts with the creation of new daily files.
@{TIPS_RECEIVED_PERIOD} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of tips received by the staff member from other staff members during the current pay period.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of all received tip transactions in the current shift. The range of the tips included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all tips from all checks within the system.
@{TIPS_RECEIVED_SHIFT} Layouts: Time Clock Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of tips received by the staff member from other staff members during the current shift.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
Digital Dining
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all received tip transactions in the current shift. The range of the tips included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the tips from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token
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includes all of the tips from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all tips from all checks within the system.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of tip outs received for each server.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of complaints for the associated customer. @{TOT_CREDIT}
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of credit for the associated customer.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number of menu items purchased for the associated customer.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of Frequent Dining points the associated customer has earned.
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Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of purchases (that is, checks) that the associated customer has opened.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount of all purchases for the associated customer.
@{TOTAL_OWING} Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the dollar amount that the customer owes. @{TOTAL_PAID}
Layouts: Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount already paid by the customer.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts a total dollar amount of checks transferred to the staff member.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Digital Dining
Intended Use: Inserts a total dollar amount of checks transferred from the staff member.
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Digital Dining Tokens
@{TRANSPORT_STATUS} Layouts: Authorization Slip
Intended Use: Inserts the status of the Credit Card Server or Gift Card Server program. When you print a layout that includes this token, the program checks the status of either the Credit Card Server or the Gift Card Server program (depending on which kind of transaction you are performing). When you print a layout that includes this token, the token will display whether the Server’s status is online or offline.
The @{TRANSPORT_STATUS} token applies to both credit card transactions and gift card transactions. If you are performing a gift card transaction, the token will display the following information, depending on how you use it:
If the site is not configured to use multistore gift cards, the result is “Offline”.
If the site is the headquarters store, the result is “Online”.
If the site is a multistore member and the last successful connection was within two times the interval, then the status is “Online”.
If the site is a multistore member and the last successful connection was more than two times the interval, then the status is “Offline”.
You can set the duration of the interval on the External Servers tab of the Servers window (in the Misc menu of the Setup program).
Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts the text on the Memo tab of the user layout token that you specify. You can create new user layout tokens (up to 24) with the User Layout Token Maintenance window.
Layouts: All Layouts
Intended Use: Inserts “VAL()”. The @{VAL} token will extract the first number string (a “string” can be only one character) that occurs in the parameter that you insert in the parentheses. For example, if you insert any of the following into a layout, the token will return “12”: @{VAL}(12abc345), @{VAL}(a12bc345), @{VAL}(abc12d345). The parameter can be either plain text (as above) or another
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token. (The @{VAL} token functions exactly like the @{DEC} token, except that the @{VAL} token cannot return decimal values.)
Layouts: Authorization Slip, Check
Intended Use: If you run the POS in Verification mode, the @{VER_AMOUNT} token will insert the amount that the server verified for the card transaction. If you run the POS in Preauthorization mode, the @{VER_AMOUNT} token will insert either the total amount of all the card’s verifications or the amount of the check (whichever is lower).
The @{VER_AMOUNT} token applies to both gift cards and credit cards.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Receipts
Intended Use: Inserts the quantity, the description, and the price of all menu items that a staff member voided for the current check. The list of menu items that this token inserts is cumulative; that is, it includes all menu items on the check (not just the current order) that a staff member has voided.
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Digital Dining Tokens
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the reason associated with a void transaction. Void reasons are set up in the Void Reasons Window Maintenance window.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts a list of all void transactions performed during the current shift. For each transaction, the token includes the check number and the amount of the void. The range of the voids included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the voids from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the voids from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the voids from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all voids from all checks within the system.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total number of all void transactions performed during the current shift. The range of the voids included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the voids from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes
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all of the voids from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the voids from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all voids from all checks within the system.
Layouts: Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report, System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the total dollar amount of all void transactions performed during the current shift. The range of the voids included by the token depends on the type of report you are printing. In a Profit Center Report, the token includes all of the voids from checks associated with the profit center. In a Sales Report, the token includes all of the voids from checks associated with the register. In a Server Report, the token includes all of the voids from checks performed by the server. In a System Report, the token includes all voids from all checks within the system.
Layouts: Cashier Report, Profit Center Report, Sales Report, Server Report,
System Report
Intended Use: Inserts the number of times the staff members opened the drawer for a $0.00 sale.
Layouts: Check, Prep Ticket, Reward Coupon, Complaint Coupon, Status Report