Server Bank Checkout The POS will not allow you to check out a server bank until all of its tickets are closed by their associated servers. To complete a server checkout, each server should reconcile and close their tickets in the Server Bank screen. ...
Cash Drawer Checkout As with server banks, the POS will not allow you to check out a cash drawer until all of its tickets are closed by their associated servers. To complete a server checkout, each server should reconcile and close their tickets in ...
Texting must be enabled on your account. If it is enabled on the info screen of your checks you will see a texting icon at the top. Simply enter the client's phone number into the appropriate field and then hit text > Send Payment Link.
Selling To sell a gift card navigate to your gift card buttons which re generally under the misc/other section. Once you select your gift card you will be prompted with an amount prompt and two options. Activate is used the first time a gift card is ...
Here is how to turn on a Alert Sound for New Orders: This is a "Per iPad" setting. It has to be repeated separately on every Kitchen Display (KDS) Open Kitchen Display (KDS) app Tap the three lines on the top right of the Kitchen Display Scroll ...
Enabling Waitlist To enable waitlist go to ☰ > Manager > Enable Waitlist. This setting is iPad specific and only works in Table Layout rooms. Once enabled you will see the list populate on the right of your table layout rooms. This is a single shared ...
The Mobile EMV Reader is referenced as <WiseCube> and <CHB60….> Before you begin make sure the EMV Reader and iPad are fully charged and turned on. Attach The Reader: Plug the Mobile POS into Power Remove existing EMV Reader from Bluetooth Exit POS ...
#1 - Login Screen &amp;amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;amp;gt; #2 - Clocking In & Out &amp;amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;amp;gt; #3 - Clocking In & Out with Till &amp;amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;amp;gt; #4 - Starting an Order ...